That sinking feeling

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Today (outfit 3) Emma Jordan and I were at the boat docks just chilling out in my little boat when we saw the mysterious woman and Zane arguing. We got up and out carefully to the docks as we approached them. I said I was sorry! She was yelling at him while he yelled at her that her boat was a disgrace and an embarrassment that it shouldn't even be here.

Zane don't be rude Emma scolded him. I said I was sorry she told him again. See she apologized. I pointed out. Yeah, but sorry won't fix the damage will it? He pointed at his jetski which did look the least bit scratched but mostly just smeared since it was a little black where the shiny white part was.

But nothing big enough worth crying over. Like they said there was no use crying over spilt milk and its not like it wasn't something that could be easily fixed. But Zane said it shouldn't be here and he was going to go see what the harbor master thought of her boat. As he walked away. Don't worry he's all talk Jordan told her. Thank you Emma Farrah Jordan come up aboard. She put out her hand for us.

We looked at he confused how she knew our names but we didn't know hers. We go inside and it was a little cramped to say the least as we looked around. Jordan and I bumped into each other a couple times since the space was so small before she offered us all some tea as we sat down on the coach together. Thank you Emma told us. As Jordan and I nodded our heads in thanks as well.

You're her. Emma says. The lady Cleo always talks about. I finish. Me? No, dear she shakes her head you are very well talked about as well. Are you not? You drowned and came back to life. Everyone thought you were dead. And what a lovely necklace you have on and I'm not just talking about the one your boyfriend gave you Farrah. Anyways as I look down at the locket she continues. It's nice to be talked about.

She didn't tell us you lived on a boat. Jordan shrugged her shoulders. I didn't tell her I was a Capricorn either she told us. Oh I'm so sorry I've made you uncomfortable. I'm not a very good host. But, you see I haven't had anyone on board the Lorelai for 23 years. But then Zane came back. Ms. Chatham the harbor master called for her. We all stepped outside with her. The man in charge said he was here because of another complaint he had received.

I'm guessing most of those if not all of them had came from Zane but I didn't dare voice that thought out loud should he get me involved and I get pushed into the water getting any of the others wet with me or pulling them in and threatening exposure. People seem to complain a lot these days she turns to Zane. But the guy in charge says its a regularity when its about her. I'll take that as a compliment that means you care about me lovely. She says turning go back inside before Zane speaks up.

Long story short she's had so many problems and warnings and complaints that bottom line was as Zane was so nice enough to point out that she was getting evicted which was not good. And she would be gone. Why are you doing this? Emma stepped down to them. The man in charge said they had been plenty patient with her over the years and then I stepped in and agreed with Emma. You can't throw her out. After that.... Farr's? Emma? Jordan called us as we hard a thump. She'd had a heart attack and was going to the hospital.

Do you want us to come with you? Emma asked her. They want my treasure she whispered to us. Just take it easy and get some rest Jordan told her as she was taken away. Don't let them get my treasure she said just loud enough we were sure Zane heard her and would probably go after it now that she was out of the way. I didn't mean to give the old lady a heart attack. He said almost sounding remorseful. Did Zane have a heart after all? Maybe you should tell her that. I nudged my head out at her.

We left to go home after that. And then night fell and we all sat on the stairs of our home. The ambulance said it couldn't be worse and she stopped staking her medication. Emma was telling Cleo Rikki and Lewis. Poor lady. Cleo frowned. We told them her name and Lewis said she was the weird old lady that lived on her boat no friends or family. Cleo knew that she knew about us about the full moon about our powers and our tails.

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