I like you don't you get it?!

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Lewis was running toward us (outfit 47) he had to ask us something very important or at least important to him. Which was what would be the biggest most important scientific discovery of the year was as if the rest of the cared. Well we could think of one right now off the top of our heads and that was the fact the mermaids was real but we knew he'd never expose our secret. Emma said a place to have the school dance. Lewis said incorrect while Cleo confirmed that he was incorrect and siding with Emma because the marine park was double booked. Emma said that wasn't a problem because she was the head of the committee and they would find a new place to have the dance.

But that wasn't a scientific discovery or an important one as we watched the dolphins splashing and jumping out of the water. He said he was working on a scientific way that would make it easier on us to be mermaids as he put it. What he meant by that we weren't sure. But no one was listening The other two girls were too busy trying to figure out a place to have the school dance. Such as off the road from the school in the street or at the café. Having not heard a word Lewis said Cleo still called him a genius before we pointed out Mrs. Chatham. Can't we just wave? Lewis asked as we began making our way over to her.

Where Rikki was IDK my guess would be somewhere with Zane while trying to keep him off the idea of mermaids. He sensed your upset. She suddenly said as we passed by one of the dolphins while we were talking with her. So a mind reading dolphin? Lewis questioned. It's a kind of magic she explained. Fortunately there's a thing called science to help things along. Lewis said at the idea of magic. While the rest of us rolled our eyes. He's a scientist whose friends with mermaids and his brother is a merman and he can't still wrap his mind around magic. He baffles me. Cleo explained that Lewis had been trying to figure out a scientific way to make it easier on us to be mermaids but Mrs. Chatham turned toward us and said it wouldn't work.

Lewis said something about mind melding with a jellyfish and giving us a chance to have normal lives which Jordan and I didn't want at all and Mrs. Chatham said no one would can mind meld with a jellyfish. Because they're jellyfish and we were not normal human girls and boys. As to not exclude Jordan from the not being normal. Yes they are. Lewis said. What happened to them was magical but he said something about a cure being scientific. And my brother can be my test subject. You make me into a normal human being again I will live at Mako Island and never speak to you again. Jordan scolded. Is that a threat? Lewis asked. No Lewis it's a promise. The other girls may not have asked for this but Farrah and I we've wanted this our whole lives. The ocean chose us.

Farrah is living proof that the ocean is more alive than we think otherwise she wouldn't be standing here with us today. And I-I can't imagine a world without her. He turns to me dreamily starring into my eyes and holding my hands making me blush as he intertwines our fingers. We push against each others hands before he pulls me to him and we are nose to nose forehead to forehead. If that's your helplessly romantic way of saying I love you then I love you too. I turn my head to kiss his cheek while he kisses me back. Can science explains why a whale sings? She asks Lewis getting us back on track. Lewis says yes. Can it tell you what they're singing about? She asks him turning back towards the water. He doesn't answer and we go back to talking about a place to have the dance. We all walk away and Lewis and Mrs. Chatham stare at each other before she says good luck and he turns away and walks on after us.

At the Juicenet we ask Wilfred about having the dance there he said we had to follow one rule and that was not to finish early. Rikki had joined us at this time when we were there while Bryan listened in. He didn't want people to think he gave us some kind of curfew. Emma said she could manage that. He said then go for it. Bryan thought it was cool of Emma to have the dance there. She said yeah it should because it would help to organize the drinks and then she went on more about her party set up at first we smiled because they like each other but then we frowned in confusion all of us because she was talking about the logical part of all of it. She said she was gonna make sure it was the best dance ever. She said everyone who goes is going to have a great time and nothing was gonna stand in her way. And then she asked him if he was going. He said he couldn't not go seeing as she's doing all this work for the dance and would see her there.

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