Awe fish love there is no better kind

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Today (outfit 14) while the girls Nikki and Emma were helping Lewis with a project in the greenhouse with Elliot and Kim I'm not sure where Cleo was but Jordan and I had gone out for a swim. See the thing is, there hasn't really been a good time for me to come back except that the kids at school know that I'm alive, but Kim and Elliot and our parents don't.

So, our solution was to stay out of the way. The girls got to meet his other brother Lenny who the girls had never met, who owns the greenhouse place and was the only one who would of his 4 brothers and the only one who would hire Lewis to fix his waterpipe thing to make it automated or whatever, and seeing that the girls decided it was time to leave.

Emma went to go find her brother who said he could hide there forever which you'll want to remember in a little bit. That they had to get him to surfing practice.... FYI we went surfing out in Hawaii and it's not as easy as they make it look on T.V. we all got sunburned badly even after using sunscreen and lots of it after doing it. But Rikki was right to be worried because of that, because of the water.

But Emma said Byron was teaching he lesson and no worries cause neither one of them would going anywhere near the water anyways. When they got to the beach Emma texted Jordan and I about being there and we decided that was our cue to either head further in deeper where no one would see us or to get out. Emma told Rikki that the first couple of lessons were on the beach not in the water.

Then Byron showed up and reminded Emma about the clean up the beach program that she forgot about and begged Rikki to watch Elliot which Rikki wasn't to thrilled of the idea about. And tried to turn her down. But then Emma tricked her by asking her to go to the clean up the beach rally and Rikki was all like *ug* no thanks.

Great thanks for doing this see ya later bye. Emma I don't do kids, besides I'm not responsible for anything that does or doesn't happen to him. But Emma said she trusted her and left. Once they did Elliot wanted to show off and told her that he was gonna be a pro surfer someday and went to go show her while Rikki thought that was a bad idea.

Everything was fine until Elliot went under and was having a hard time staying afloat. *Ug* Where are the trouble twins when you need them! Mr. and Mrs. I wished my whole life to be a mermaid let's pretend we are, oh wait just kidding our dreams came true. She crossed her arms looked around went to the far end near a bunch of rocks and got into the water into her mermaid form and anyway she went.

Rikki got to the surfboard and slashed it through the water holding a good tight grip on it to swim it back to Elliot. Elliot got on the surfboard and rode it the rest of the way to shore safe and sound and Rikki stayed out there where she wouldn't be seen. When night fell he went on and on about what happened that afternoon and Emma got worried when he saw Rikki in the water.

Elliot's parents were upset at him for being in the water in the first place while Emma wondered what it was that Elliot had seen. Hoping, obviously not Rikki was a mermaid. And he got saved by the bell literally, because he went to go open the door he opened it to Find Rikki asking her a bunch of questions like how she got there so fast and where she had gone after saving him.

Questions that Rikki couldn't answer honestly. Their parents and Elliot were amazed with Rikki glad that she saved him that she was some kind of hero or something but Emma was suspicious and worried. Once they got to her room Emma gave her an earful but she was just doing what Rikki had asked of her.

You left me to babysit I did my job, you're welcome maybe next time you'll leave the saving the world up to someone else and you can take care of him yourself! You know what I think I will?! Did he see anything? She asked her. No, nothing. Then why is he talking about you being faster than dolphins? He's exaggerating, I made sure he didn't see anything.

I'm not stupid Emma. I know that I didn't mean it like that Rikki it's just this would be big for Elliot learning that we're mermaids, we've never kept secrets from each other I'm not sure he'd be able to handle it. See that's the problem with perfect families, they don't seem to be able to handle anything. Rikki said to her.

That night Elliot was in the living room writing Rikki a thank you card, or maybe even a poem for thanking her for saving his life, and Emma had Cleo, and Jordan and I come over as we went up to her room to talk about this. Wow Rikki that was some kind of risky move you did out there. Cleo told her.

Yeah, she's right Rikki we can't transform into mermaids at a public beach. I reminded her. Oh yeah? And where were you two, you'd been out there all morning until Emma texted and told you guys to leave?! Hold on hold on let's all calm down Jordan said taking a seat on her bed. We swam out further out of the way, we heard the calls for help and decided to try and swim closer but then we saw you and backed up.

It's just you guys are making it seem like this is a big deal and it's not there's no drama here. Rikki complained. Emma reminded her to be more careful and as soon as Rikki claimed she was being carful she accidently spilled water onto her homework assignment that Emma said she was almost finished with and that it took her hours even though we'd just gotten that assignment today.

Rikki tried to fix it by drying it up with her powers but it started looking better but then it got worse, as it took the molecules out of the paper. Cleo tried to fix it by adding more molecules but it just made it worse before I could warn her to stop. It's ok Em listen we're all still trying to figure out our powers. Cleo reminded her.

Yeah except for these two. Emma nudged us who have more or less been mermaids their whole lives. We gotta get better and fast. Then there was a knock on the door. Quick hide Cleo told Jordan and I. A boy in her room was probably not good and I couldn't risk letting anyone see me at least not yet.

Elliot came in with a card with hearts on it and Emma was all like isn't that sweet of you Elliot, then he asked her to come play his new 3D skate game and she was all like I'd love to but I've got to be somewhere right now. Before she could leave he handed her a box of chocolate too.

Um Elliot can I talk to you for a sec? Emma asked him. She led him downstairs.... Elliot what's going on between you and Rikki? Don't worry our love won't get in the way of your friendship. Um Elliot lets come sit down and talk. She told him that Rikki wasn't like the other girls he went to school with that she was older and more mature, kind of. She's not the kind of girl for you.

Some of us men like that in a women, Elliot told his sister. Emma *sighed* trying to find the right words. But she couldn't and so the next  day (outfit 15) we headed back to the beach while the others met up with Elliot at the Café and the guy in charge handed out all their drinks asking Elliot if his "girlfriend" liked the chocolates, and Rikki choked on her drink. Quite the gentlemen this one is.

Rikki decided she needed to talk to the girls and they got up from the table while Elliot was told to stay and wat there. They thought his crush on her was cute and sweet but she wasn't having any of it, that if she wasn't gonna humor him then to at least be gentle in letting him down easy. You both are disturbed, why is everything so sweet and nice all the time?!

Rikki this is his first crush Emma told him. Hold on he just likes me because I saved his life this is all that is, it's like taking a thorn out of a dog's foot. And you would do that gently. Emma coxed. No, I'd do it quickly and hope I didn't get bitten! Rikki said she didn't remember what it was like to be a kid and admitted that she doesn't do the whole relationship thing very well.

Farrah and Jordan as a couple is sweet and it makes me sick, but because she's my friend I tolerate it just like I tolerate Jordan if for no other reason because he's one of us kind of. This isn't a relationship Cleo reminded her, it's just a little crush. Fine I don't do the whole people liking me thing very well. What's there to do? Emma questioned. Fine just tell me what I need to tell him to get him off my chest?!

But neither of them had a clue. So they went to the greenhouse place to ask Lewis thinking he'd been turned down and rejected a few times that he might have some advice for her, and then Lenny came and asked about the water thing and he said everyday at 5:00 it would do its thing and basically water the plants for him, and that it had to be shut off manually. But that it should only last a min.

And that it would do this a total of 20 times. When Lenny left he told the girls that most guys liked to be told where they stand without being thought of as a loser. Cleo asked if the crush would wear off on its own he said not in his experience since he was talking about liking Cleo. Shortly after they left.

At the beach Rikki was walking along and Elliot found her and said he had something to give her but Rikki told him she didn't want anymore presents. The present he was gonna give her was a glass dolphin. He asked about seeing a movie with her and that the could see anything she wanted but Rikki said no thanks and then he tried to hold her hand.

Look Elliot I know you've got a crush on me but I'm not a girlfriend type of girl I like to be alone. She tried to be nice but he wasn't listening she told him that she wasn't interested and that in the real world no meant no and to back off that she still wouldn't be with him even if he was taller and older and less nice, and wanted him to back off.

Elliot threw the dolphin into the water as he started crying and Rikki was walking away from him to be left alone. In the morning that followed (outfit 38) we met back up at the Café. Emma and Cleo were really worried about the fact that Elliot was missing and that they couldn't find him anywhere they had filled Jordan and I in on what was going on. Which made us start to worry also.

But Rikki was sure he'd turn up but Emma said this wasn't like Elliot to just disappear and that she didn't bring it up to her parents and Rikki told them what happened and they were so disappointed in her and that they had to find him before her parents did. And that if anything happened to him it would be Rikki's fault that she had been acting like him having a crush on her was some sort of crime.

Then Lewis came in and got the scope on the whole thing that she had to think like a little kid that he'd hide where no one would find him which gave Rikki a really good idea. She found him the greenhouse place and tried to apologize also worried about that it was almost closing time knowing that the doors would automatically shut and the water would be turning on soon.

She told him the truth about how she's not very well liked that when she does have someone like her she feels caged in because she doesn't know what to do and hoped Elliot would understand and he asked if they could still hang out sometimes. And she helped him up and they tried to get out.

Rikki called Lewis and he said he was on his way even though he really wanted to be fishing right now but his friends including Rikki were more important than fishing. He called the other girls and since Elliot was around Jordan and I went back out for a swim again. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Elliot and Rikki started running before the water could reach them because if it did that would be really, really bad. When Lewis got there he was freaking out since there were 3 sections and once the 3 sections got turned on there was no turning them off he'd have to override the system and shut it off and get them out of there, and fast.

Rikki distracted Elliot and Cleo poured water onto it while Emma froze it and then they were all good to go. Elliot thought girls were weird, and Emma made him promise not to run away again or tell their mom and dad and not to get a girlfriend till he's older. And Rikki told him not to push her luck. And at the bottom of the ocean the shallow part of it anyways, Rikki found the little glass dolphin and hung onto it. They'd have to fill us in about everything in the morning.

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