First Day Chap.1

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The Dark Carriage was on its way to Night Raven College, you and your sister had been sent to attend by the will of your parents, Elizabeth was sleeping with her head against the window, you'd been awake the entire time of the ride, It was rather early when you had to pack your things but It was no trouble, but Elizabeth tried begging your parents to let her stay at home but she failed, you reached underneath the seat as you got the blanket, placing It over her with a smile so she would be more comfortable, It was kind of funny she was the older of you both but sometimes you had to look after her, you sat back as you brushed off your dress skirt, looking out the window again as you passed through some dark woods, they looked rather Ominous, 

after five minutes the carriage emerged, and it started coming down a pathway to a large black Iron gate, It spelled out *Night Raven College* so you guessed this was It, the carriage soon started going up a pathway up the hill as you saw some fog, the school soon came into view and you lightly tapped Elizabeth, she groaned In annoyance "Stop It, let me rest more"

"Lizzie, we're here"

she opened her green eyes, brushing one of her ruby curls out her face, looking out the window as she let out a gasp, the carriage came through another gate as It pulled around Into the courtyard, before It came to a stop, just then the headmaster of the school came to the carriage

he opened the door with a bow, "your highnesses, I am Dire Crowley allow me to welcome you to Night Raven College"

you smiled, bowing your head "Pleasure to meet you"

you took his gloved hand as you stepped down, and you sister did the same as she stepped out, soon brushing off the skirts of her dress, Dire Crowley bowed once again 

"Princess (Y/n), Princess Elizabeth, right this way If you will, the residents of your new Dormitory will be along to get your luggage for you"

Lizzie yawned, she then looked up, "It's so...dark here"

you and Lizzie then followed him up the few steps, you looked up In wonder as you soon went inside, Dire Crowley than began to tell the history of the great seven 

"Pardon me Headmaster, we'll be staying In the Queen of Hearts Dormitory, correct?" you asked

Dire Crowley looked back, "Yes, and it's just this way in the hall of mirrors"

Lizzie looked around at the Interior, but then was spooked by one of the Gargoyles so she latched onto your arm, you patted her hand as you continued following the headmaster, making a right around the corner as you came to the hall of mirrors, 

Dire Crowley gestured, "That one is Heartslabyul, I believe your Dorm Leader is waiting to greet you"

you smiled, "Thank you headmaster, when do we begin our classes?"

"You start tomorrow, for the rest of today take your time to get settled and acquainted"

you nodded, he bowed as he then took his leave, just then you saw a few boys wearing white, black and red uniforms coming by with your luggage, and they went through the mirror Into Heartstalbyul, Lizzie let out a gasp, "Is"

you smiled, "If It wasn't safe, they wouldn't be In use don't worry"

Lizzie then let go of your arm and you went to the mirror, you went through first before she followed behind you, a bright white light glowed as you were now standing outside of the dormitory, there was a pathway lined with rose bushes carved Into hearts, and a few black lamp lights, In front of the dorm you saw two people standing next to the fountain

you and Lizzie walked until you met them, you saw a short boy with rose hair and a golden small crown, next to him there was a tall boy with green hair wearing glasses and a fedora

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now