Brunch with Vil Chap.7

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Two weeks later....

It was on a weekend and there were no classes, so you allowed yourself a little more sleep than usual, but you could hear Lizzie still snoring on the other side of the room In which she'd been doing all night, you didn't want to sleep In too late so you decided to get up and ready for the day, but then you remembered that Lizzie had invited you to Brunch with her and Vil Schoenheit, you gathered your things for the shower and went to the shower room, luckily there wasn't anyone awake still at this time so you were alone, with that In mind you brushed your teeth before getting into the shower and you used the semi-hot water using your white peach bodywash as you washed yourself while humming, and you hummed one of the songs your Mother taught you during childhood, but then as you washed up your mind started drifting off to the other day when you met with Malleus again, you played another Chess game and ended up besting him once again In which he couldn't seem to win, In which you apologized for but he praised your skill telling that you should be proud instead of sorry, you thought he was very kind and humble from just knowing him these few weeks 

you then realized that you stopped washing, just as you felt the quick beating of your heart you furrowed your brow, placing a hand over your heart as It then started slowing back to normal, you then got back to what you were doing and you started washing your hair, and when finished In the shower you rinsed your hair then turning It off, you dried yourself off before going back

once back in the dorm room you got dressed, putting on your Heartslabyul dorm uniform and afterwards you blow dried your white tresses, brushing It and you styled It like usual, you put on a little makeup before you went to sit down in your chair to read for a while

just then you heard a yawn, looking to see that Lizzie had woken up "oh Good morning"

Lizzie nodded, "Good morning"

she then shook her red curls, before she sat on the edge of her bed to put on her slippers 

"oh? you're already ready"

you nodded, "mhm, didn't Schoenheit say we're to meet at Eleven"

Lizzie stretched while she nodded In response, brushing off her nightgown as she went to get her own bathroom essentials and get ready for the day, you continued to read your book as you became completely captivated by the middle of the story, there were many plot twists

and after a few minutes your sister returned while going about her usual get ready routine, and you kept reading while you waited for her to finish up, as the clock ticked closer to eleven 

Lizzie sighed, "you know, In my PE class there's this tall boy with short green hair who's always referring to me as Human, I told him to mind his tone but he yelled at me"

you looked up, "oh? what did you do?"

"I slapped him...and was scolded by Sir Vargas afterwards"

you sighed, "Lizzie you shouldn't have done that"

Lizzie finger curled her hair, "It wasn't right of me yes, but he was being disrespectful"

"he was rude, but you shouldn't hit someone and besides here our royal status doesn't matter we're just normal students"

Lizzie was about to speak again but she stopped, and fixed up her own dorm uniform as she then went to quickly put on some makeup, and when finished she closed her compact 

"Finished, let's go"

you closed your book, and went to go place it atop your vanity table before you and Lizzie headed out of your room, and It seemed the dorm was starting to come alive 

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now