Love Letters Chap.39

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you returned with Malleus to Brair Valley to spend only the night with him, Indeed on the outside It was only that but you both lost yourselves In the time you'd spent together wishing It would go on forever. the night was spent In each others company as you slept side by side before something awoke In Malleus which made him wake you before he brought you into a world of sublime pleasure, you never told him to stop or to wait as you'd longed for the very same after not seeing each other for so long you lost yourselves In every kiss and touch beneath that full moonlit sky. however after you returned to the Rose Queendom sometime passed

It had been three months since you'd last seen Malleus, but you kept In touch with letters to which he'd always write them so lovingly to express his missing and love for you. you couldn't see him right now as he was of course busy with his duties as King, Malleus told you In one of his letters that he was going to make reform In Brair Valley that would help the coming generations

you smiled, "I know you'll do great"

you then kissed the place where his name was signed, before you tucked It away carefully along with the others In your vanity drawer just as you continued to brush through your hair white hair. Which was not notably longer than It ever was before during your student days 

*Knock Knock*

you saw Lizzie enter your bedroom as she held something in her hand, "Look what I've got!"

she was beaming, you giggled "It's something to make you this happy"

Lizzie nodded, "Mhm! look"

she came to your side as she showed off the ring that Cater had gotten her, "Oh my, are you engaged?"

"No Silly but It's like a promise ring" she said

you smiled, "that's so sweet,"

you put down your brush to have a better look but then you started to feel incredibly sick, Lizzie furrowed her brows "what's the matter? are you sick?"

you started, "it's this awful feeling, I've been having It for a while now since last month"

Lizzie rubbed your back, "Alright, should I send for the royal doctor?"

you started to think, "Maybe, alright send for him please but don't tell Mother ok"

she nodded, "I won't, here let's get you In bed"

you nodded In agreement as you then got into bed, Lizzie then left to make sure no one was about when the doctor arrived shortly later as she came to do a check up on your state

"and Excuse me your highness, but have you had the Menses this month?"

you were surprised, "Actually...I haven't oddly enough for the last two months"

the doctor had a smile come to her face, "And have you been feeling sick in these months?"

you wondered what the smile was about, "Yes?"

the royal doctor removed the insturment from your heart, as she stood up 

"Congratulations Crown Princess, you've been pregnant for three months"

Lizzie dropped her phone, "What?!"

you looked down at your stomach before you touched it, "Am I...really?"

"Yes you are"

many emotions flashed through you but then you quickly got out of bed, as Lizzie started to come back from her shocked state "(Y/n) when did you and Lord Malleus- Oh my gosh! we...we have to tell Mother"

Lizzie smiled as she grabbed your hands happily, but then you stopped her "Lizzie just a moment, we can't tell anyone just yet but...I will tell Malleus only"

"I understand, then...I'll keep It a secret" she said

you went to clear a space at your desk as you started to quickly write a letter for Malleus informing him about the news of your pregnancy, that must've come from that night in Brair Valley three months ago but you'd never regretted that night or this child at all.

Many Many miles away In Brair Valley, the reform had come which had changed the vally for the better one of the biggest things Malleus did was to replace the Fae Council as he thought It best for those old subjects to retire. Malleus's Grandmother had now formally retired from rule now living comfortably In the castle aiding Malleus whenever he may need advices

"Your Majesty!"

Malleus was sitting In his throne room as he spoke to one of his new council members, when he heard Sebek's familiar thunderous voice "Your Majesty!"

Malleus sat up, "Yes Sebek?"

Sebek was beaming, "A Letter from Rose Queendom!"

Malleus brightened up as he quickly rose, "Already?"

Malleus received the letter as he opened it up, immediatly recognizing your hand writing 

*My Darling, I come to tell you that I know we'll soon see each other soon again for I have some news to tell you. I know you've been very busy with the reform In Brair Valley as of late for which I'm very proud of you I know you're carrying the torch well for the future of the country, while I am now carrying within me our It a son or daughter It doesn't matter It's our child and I will love It no matter what. please listen closely you musn't tell anyone yet but please know that I'll never regret that night we shared or this baby*

-Love (Y/n)

Malleus gripped the paper as his eyes widened, he then realized what this meant as he let It settle In his mind fully that you were pregnant with his and your baby. a great joy filled the Fae King's body but also a little bit of fear as he'd hoped to be a great father

Malleus let out a sigh as he then brushed his bangs from his face, as he looked to the ceiling

Sebek looked on in concern, "Are you alright?"

Malleus smiled warmly, "More than alright, I will be just fine Sebek".

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now