Tea with Lilia Chap.23

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A Few days later....

You'd been invited to Diasomnia by Lilia as he wanted to have tea and chat with you, In which you accepted, you respected Lilia a lot as an elder but especially so as he was Malleus's guardian who raised him as his own, It threw you for a loop when Silver told you how old he actually was but It was understandable as he was a Fae just like Malleus, after freshening up for the tea time you headed off to Diasomnia much to Lizzie asking you where you were going 

"Lilia Invited me over for tea"

Lizzie nodded, she then sighed "I was going to ask if I could tag along but I don't want him to give me another scare"

you giggled and gave her shoulder a pat, "I've already asked him to stop doing that to you...well then I'll see you later"

Lizzie waved as she then laid down on her bed, before quickly going to take out the journal she'd stored away It was kind of like a diary of sorts though she knew It was childish, but then with she started jotting down something as she found herself drawing a little sketch of Malleus.

When you arrived at Diasomnia you were welcomed by Sebek, who's attitude towards you had changed since he came to understand just how happy you made his Liege 

"Welcome Lord Lilia has been waiting!"

you smiled, "Nice to see you again Sebek,"

you walked inside as you came into the lounge just as you looked around, then you heard...

"So happy you came, come sit" said Lilia

you smiled with a nod and went to go sit down in one of the green plush chairs, just as Sebek soon hurried off to get the tea all the while you looked around once more

Lilia chuckled, "If you're looking for Malleus he's not here, he's gone off to walk alone"

"Oh I see"

"But worry not my dear, I believe he'll be back soon"

just then Sebek returned with the tea set as he poured the steaming tea into your cups

Lilia sat back and looked up to the portrait of Malleus that you painted, It now sat above the fireplace and you were surprised to see It had moved to that spot 

Lilia gestured, "Malleus had it moved here for better viewing, not to show off himself in it but to give you praise for the beautiful work you'd done, he's really proud of you"

a smile came to your face with a blush, "oh"

you picked up the teacup and blew on the brown liquid inside, before having a sip

Lilia then smiled, "(Y/n), I hope you'll continue to stay by his side and keep making him happy"

"I will, I love Malleus with all my heart" you said

"I know and I can see In his eyes he feels the same about you"

you smiled warmly as you had another sip of your tea, but then you wondered something

"Lilia, I've been curious about something...how did Malleus react to Silver coming into your care?"

Lilia paused before he started laughing, "Sorry...Sorry, let's just say It was a memorable Impression, when I first brought Silver to meet him he was puzzled and didn't know what to say after all he'd never seen a human baby before, but I he took Silver into his arms and told me he was so small and soft"

you started to giggle, "I can see that,"

"but then Silver started pulling at his hair and drooling on him, which was when I had to step in and he had a hard time handling him at first...but over time Malleus grew to care for Silver as a little brother of sorts"

you smiled, "aw,"

Lilia then let out a sigh, "Those days...when I was looking after them seemed only like Yesterday, and sometimes I wish we could go back to those days...but Malleus is older and doesn't need me to coddle him anymore but he still needs guidance, he still has many things to learn about life amongst humans as well as things they go through...but"

a gentle smile came to his face, "I'm so happy to know that he's found out what love is...true love, and he found that In you...you're exactly who he needs and I can't wait to see what the future holds for you both,"

you were a little stunned but then felt warmth come to your eyes, feeling as if you were going to get emotional but you didn't as you returned Lilia's smile, "Lord Lilia...Thank you"

Lilia sat surprised but then he laughed, before he started telling another story from the time when Malleus helped him to take care of Silver.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now