A Game of Chess Chap.6

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(This chapter Involves chess, I don't know much about chess so please be nice)

A Day later...

It was after lunch and now you were on your way to meet with Malleus for your club meeting, and Lizzie wanted to come along out of curiosity, though she knew It was just chess that she found to be boring, so now you walked arm In arm on the way to the main street near the great Seven statues, as you walked Lizzie talked to you about the Film research club and how much she was enjoying It, in which you were glad that she'd found a club that suited her tastes

"It's amazing that I get to work with the Vil Schoenheit, you should come to visit one of these days, he's even more beautiful In person"

you smiled, "so I've heard,"

you turned the corner as you came to the main street, and there you saw Malleus admiring the great seven as usual, a smile started coming to your face "Lord Malleus"

he turned, his lips curving "you've come, oh and i see you brought a friend"

you gestured, "this is my fraternal twin, Elizabeth"

Lizzie's face went red as soon as she looked at Malleus, but then she curtsied to him 

"It's good to meet you, (Y/n) has told me few things about you"

Lizzie giggled, and played with one of her crimson curls "oh, really"

you then showed the chess board, "I brought one of my chess boards, you wanted to play a game correct?"

Malleus smiled, "Indeed, I've been looking forward to this"

you smiled with a nod, before you turned to Lizzie, "Lizzie are you staying?"

Lizzie quickly shook her head, "n...no I'm going to go meet Vil now"

"alright, be careful on your way"

Lizzie curtsied to Malleus again, "It was very nice meeting you"

she then hurried away but looked back to the both of you a few times, just then Malleus used his powers to summon a table with two chairs, you were taken by surprise but you knew he was capable of such things like that, Malleus went around and pulled out one of the chairs

you felt your cheeks warm at his chivalry, you walked over to sit and he pushed It in for you, before he went to sit across from you while you set up the board and pieces 

"would you like black or white?" you asked

"It doesn't matter, I think I'd like White this time"

you nodded and rotated the board so the white pieces were on his side, you then folded your hands on your lap while taking in a breath, "Shall we begin"

Malleus smiled, "yes, you may go first"

you picked up one of the pawns, thinking It over before you set It down onto a square, Malleus picked up one of his own pawns before he placed it down, "your move"

you picked up another pawn as you looked at the board, and you placed the pawn diagonally next to his, and you picked up the white piece to place on your side, Malleus looked to you while be thought over his strategy and you didn't let your eyes leave him as you wondered which move he'd make, but for some odd reason you felt yourself become entranced by his eyes 

but then you came back to reality, and Malleus was still thinking over his next move before he picked up another pawn placing It diagonally to yours, capturing It to his side

  you brought a hand to your lips as you started to move your next pawn, placing It forward one space before you gestured for Malleus to go next, and he picked up his Knight before placing It over your Pawn that you just moved, and you sat surprised by this for the moment, and so you moved your own Knight forward a space, Malleus moved another space with a pawn and you thought It through before you moved your own Pawn before capturing his, 

Malleus tapped his gloved finger on the table, looking to see that you'd taken most of his pawns since the start of this game and he realized, he may or may not have a shot of winning and after another few moves you'd captured another few of his pawns and even his Knight, with you getting closer within range of his King, so Malleus moved his Rook forward three spaces, and you moved your Bishop forward to the space which his Rook stood and you captured It, Malleus sat impressed by your skills right now and he realized this game could be over very soon, but he was enjoying himself and so were you 

you started, "Lord Malleus, may I ask you something"

he looked up, "Yes go ahead"

"what is your Grandmother like?"

Malleus was surprised, but then he thought "Well, there's many things to say and I'd like to tell you, but we don't have that much time left"

you realized that Club meetings were almost over, you then looked back to the board as you moved your Bishop again, capturing the second to last pawn of his, and Malleus moved his Bishop forward but to your surprise he captured your Rook, 

you reached up to fiddle with a strand of your white hair, but then you moved your Queen forward a few spaces, and Malleus moved his Bishop again with him capturing another pawn of yours, and you made sure your own king would still be safe before you moved again, moving your Bishop forward and right In front of his king In which Malleus sat stunned,


his green eyes were widened, in all his years he'd never lost a game not even to Lilia, just then you heard the bells ring Indicating that It was time to head to classes

Malleus then chuckled a bit, "Well done, that was good game"

you bowed your head, "Indeed It was, Thank you"

you and Malleus stood up before he held out his gloved hand, and you placed your hand in his as you shook, in which he found himself looking at your how your hand fit so well with his, and you noticed his hand was bigger than yours and warm as well, just then you couldn't help but look at each other again with your eyes unable to look away, and that warmth In his chest returned just as you felt your own heartbeat quickening but then you were brought back to reality 

you folded your board back up and put the pieces away, putting it into a case

you smiled, "this was fun, though I haven't played In a while"

"I agree we should do this again sometime, it seems that you really are the best chess player in the rose queendom"

Malleus then looked to the main street, "It seems classes will begin again shortly"

his lips curved, "See you Later take care on your way, let's meet again soon "

before he disappeared In a flurry of little green lights, you felt a warmth come to your cheeks as you then started walking a little quickly back to the building, already starting to wonder about the next club meeting with him and what It'd be like.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now