A Royal Wedding Chap.41 END

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Shortly after that you and Malleus went straight to your mother to inform her of your engagement first before revealing your pregnancy to which she gave a little scolding about, but she was happy that you were happy and was excited to welcome her first grandchild. now that you were pregnant and engaged you thought It was best to get married before the child was born so there wouldn't be any issues, but what's more you were crown princess of the Rose Queendom to which after thinking about It you decided to abdicate your position. To the Shock of your whole family and Malleus you handed the rights to the crown to Lizzie, because you couldn't possibly live away from your husband and have your child be away too

Lizzie was of course upset as you'd been preparing your whole life for it, but you told her the life that you wanted is to be with Malleus In Brair Valley alongside your coming child to which she accepted your wishes. So your mother took back your title of Crown Princess but didn't depose you of your princess status, shortly after that the royal wedding had begun preparations with Lilia returning once again to do the honor's of walking you down the aisle. as you were five months pregnant now you had to get your dress specially tailored for comfort and fit, Malleus and your mother handled everything so you wouldn't stress but you did give your input.

After many weeks of planning the fateful day had arrived, you were in your room getting ready alongside your mother, Lizzie and Lady Maleficia who specially came to help you get ready

you were sitting at the vanity mirror as you were having your makeup finished, your hair was being brushed through by Lady Maleficia who had a gentle smile gracing her face 

"To believe this day has come, My Malleus is getting married...to such a wonderful lady"

you smiled, "Thank you Grandmother"

the artist soon finished your makeup with a red colored lip, you looked at yourself In the mirror as Lady Maleficia stepped away to allow the maid to style your hair for you into an updo. after everyone else was finished dressing It was your turn to get changed into your wedding dress

you went behind the dressing screen, gently rubbing your baby bump before you raised up your arms as they helped to slip the dress overhead as they then smoothed It into place

It was zipped up in the back as you turned to emerge all the while the train dragged behind you, your mother never imagined you'd be getting married in black but she thought you looked beautiful

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It was zipped up in the back as you turned to emerge all the while the train dragged behind you, your mother never imagined you'd be getting married in black but she thought you looked beautiful. your ears and neck were adorned with jewelry with a tiara being placed upon your head, It was one that belonged to every Queen of Brair Valley who came before 

Lady Maleficia touched your shoulders, "Are you ready?"

you smiled with a nod, just as Lizzie came over to give you a long hug before she draped the veil over your head as It made your vision a little bit distorted as It too was sheer and black

your mother hugged you and gave you a kiss on the forehead, just as there came a knock

"Come in"

Lilia stepped into the room now dressed in formal attire, "Oh my...(Y/n)"

you smiled, "Lilia, It's so good to see you again"

you welcomed him into a hug which he returned, "Malleus will be enchanted"

you giggled as you started to tear up as Lilia then offered his elbow, you took It as you followed him out of the room as the others soon left to go get into place before the ceremony begun 

Malleus was at the altar dressed up in his own wedding finery as he waited for you, the one who'd be presiding the ceremony was the Fae who'd long done so for the Draconia Clan. Within the audience there sat many of your friends and classmates from Night Raven College, but also members of the court but minutes later Sebek rushed down the aisle to announce 

"Her Majesty the bride Approaches!"

Malleus turned as his expression brightened quickly as he saw you, you and Lilia at the doors as they'd opened up with the musicians starting to play the Brair Valley's wedding march 

upon seeing you Malleus felt his breath taken away by how you looked In this moment, step by step you walked closer and closer to Malleus as you felt tears come to your eyes again 

Lilia whispered, "I heard you're pregnant, Congratulations my dear but I must tell you be patient with him he still has much to learn about babies or parenting for that matter"

you giggled, "I know we both do, thank you Lilia"

you continued until you reached the side of your groom, Lilia's magenta eyes filled with tears as he placed your hand into Malleus's "I want you both to know, I wish you and your child every happiness"

Malleus looked to Lilia, "Thank you, Father"

Lilia was overcome as he brought you both into a hug, before he soon took out his handkerchief while going to take his seat as the music started to come to a stop 

"You look...not even the night sky can compare"

you smiled bashfully, "Thank you"

The Elderly Fae cleared his throat, "Ehem, We're gathered here today to celebrate the union of our King Malleus Draconia and Princess (Y/n) Rosabel of Rose Queendom, If any one objects to their union speak now or forever hold your peace"

no one said a thing, he then turned to Malleus first "Do you King Malleus take the princess to be your lawfully wedded wife to honor, love an cherish until death parts you"

Malleus's eyes glistened, "I do"

"And do you Princess (Y/n) take his Majesty to be your lawfully wedded husband, to honor love and cherish until death parts you"

you looked Malleus In the eyes, "I do"

The Elderly Fae then gestured with Sebek carefully bringing fourth the rings, Malleus picked up yours as he gently slid it onto your finger as the back diamond embedded shined. You then picked up the band for Malleus and slid it onto his finger as Sebek was now overcome

"Then by the power vested In me, I now Pronounce you Husband and Wife"

everyone cheered as they all rose to their feet, and Malleus swept you off your feet as you smiled lovingly at each other before you soon shared a long passionate kiss.

(Song is by Taylor Swift, All credits go to her)

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now