Something In his Heart Chap.15

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A Few Weeks later...

It was a club day and so you were currently outside with Malleus in your usual spot, you'd finished playing three rounds of Chess where he beat you only once during It, In which he'd asked you if you had a hidden magical power to read minds which made you laugh but It made you laugh all the more when he said he wasn't joking. But seeing you enjoy yourself and laugh so much brought a sense of happiness to Malleus per usual when you were around

"If you'd like to hear something truly humorous I know just the story" he mused

he then proceeded to tell another one of his old stories from years ago, In which Involved Lilia and a pond that he'd fallen in to trying to fetch Malleus's toy boat

you giggled, "aww"

Malleus chuckled, "and after that Lilia used his magic to dry himself before he scolded me and took me back to the castle...I've caused him so much trouble all these years"

he then stopped, "but I never meant to...."

you started, "Of course, when we're little we do a lot of things especially since we don't know any better"

he nodded, "Indeed, what about you did you ever get Into mischef?"

you shook your head, "Not really It was Lizzie who did the most In that aspect"

Malleus then rested his chin onto his hand as he found himself gazing at you again while It was your turn to talk, he hoped it wouldn't upset you but he couldn't help to not look, whenever you spoke or simply gave him a smile all his attention would fall on you instantly, not to mention he'd feeling a stir In his soul unlike any other but It wasn't In a bad way

just then you looked up to see him looking at you, and It brought a blush "Is there something wrong?"

Malleus looked away, "Not at all, Apologies I...I didn't mean to stare"

"Oh It's alright..."

Malleus started, "Just look different somehow to me"

you were surprised, "I do? I didn't change my hair or anything like that"

Malleus looked at you again, "It's not that...please don't mind what I said"

a warm flush came to his cheeks and the tips of his ears, he was Embarrassed that he'd said that aloud but he was always a straight talker anyway so he never told lies when he spoke, but he was feeling his hear hammering away Inside his chest at this moment for some reason

*She's very pretty but now...she's Ethereal somehow not just on the outside*

Malleus cleared his throat, "Shall we play another round?"

you smiled with a nod, "that'd be nice"

you both then started your fourth round until time ran out for club meetings, and so you soon bid goodbye to Malleus but as you started leaving he stopped you

"I...May I see you again soon?"

you smiled, "Of course whenever you'd like"

Malleus nodded but then he realized and released your hand, he didn't say another word before he abruptly disappeared using his magic as you stood there somewhat dazed 

"He said he wants to see me again soon...."

you turned on your heels as you went to collect your chess set, all the while your cheeks were pink and a little smile played on your lips as you put It back together, you then hurried along back inside after you finished cleaning up, quickly putting your chess set away back in your dorm room before getting your books needed for the next class

Malleus soon met up with Silver and Sebek, 

"Lord Malleus! there you are sire" said Sebek

Silver yawned and looked at him "Lord Malleus are you okay? your face is flushed"

Sebek looked closely before, "Oh no! Silver we must get him to the Infirmary at once!"

Malleus shook his head, "There's no need for that Sebek, I am fine"

"b...but your face is terribly flushed!"

Malleus started walking as they soon followed, *What's the matter with me? I should Consult Lilia about this later for sure*.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now