The Hedgehog Chap.5

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You were on your way back to Heartslabyul, Lizzie had gone back home ahead of you as she had something to do, and along the way you were stopped well startled by Lilia 

you placed a hand to your heart, "Lilia, you gave me a fright"

he chuckled, "forgive me, I merely wished to say hello"

you soon calmed, and smiled "It's nice to see you again, Is Lord Malleus well"

Lilia smiled, "he is, though he seems to be deeper in thought than usual, but all is well, and what about you my dear"

"I am well, I'm sorry for what Lizzie said to you the other day but It's best that you don't tease her anymore, she has a temper akin to fire"

he nodded, "I'll keep that in mind, be careful on your way back"

you smiled with a nod, "I will, have a good evening Lilia"

you started down the hallway once more, and Lilia watched you go as he crossed his arms 

he smiled, "Lovely girl, she may be someone who could very well break down his walls, quell his loneliness"

you made your way back to the hall of mirrors, going to the Heartslatbyul mirror before you touched the glass and passed through, now within the dormitory It was in the evening and you could see the sun was already setting, you walked up the pathway to the building as you saw the outside lamps were lit up, and the fountain was still running

you walked up the two steps as you headed inside, and you could smell the smell of something delicious, It was almost dinner time after all, but just then you heard a scream and recognized that It was Lizzie, in a fright and worry you rushed to your dorm room as to check on her

and once there you turned the door knob and opened the door, stepping inside

"Lizzie, are you alright?"

you saw your sister standing on top of her bed, as she shook In fright while pointing 

"(Y/n)! It's a mouse!"

you looked to where she was pointing, and you didn't see a mouse but Instead a little pink hedgehog, you thought It was adorable and you went to go have a look at It 

you giggled, "Lizzie, It's not a mouse It's a hedgehog"

Lizzie shook her head, "Same thing! they're both rodents you know how much I hate them!"

you let out a sigh, ever since childhood when a mouse ended up in her teacup Lizzie had been deathly afraid and hated Mice, you looked back to the hedgehog the poor thing was trembling and curled up Into a ball, you got on your knees as you carefully picked it up 

you then remembered you knew a bit of hedgehog, so you spoke to It and said everything is alright, and that you wouldn't hurt It

you then stood up, the pink hedgehog in curled and twitched Its little nose as it let out a little squeak, Lizzie hopped off her bed and you turned to her "how did It get In here?"

"I don't know, it somehow got onto my vanity table" she said

just then there came a knocking on the door, you turned "Yes, come in"

Riddle popped inside, "forgive my disturbance, my ladies but have you seen any hedgehogs around anywhere?"

you nodded, walking over and you showed him the hedgehog in your hands

"So that's where he went"

you handed the hedgehog over to Riddle, and he smiled as he lightly patted It's head 

Riddle then sighed, "someone neglected to properly lock his cage up"

you nodded, "oh I see,"

Riddle bowed his head, "I'll take my leave and get him back to his home, dinner is in a little bit I'll see you both then"

Riddle left and closed the door behind him, Lizzie then let out a sigh of relief

"thank goodness...."

you went to sit down on your side of the room, "I know you're scared of rodents, but that scream made me think something else happened"

Lizzie brushed her rose red hair, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you but I just can't help it"

"It's alright"

Lizzie looked in her vanity mirror, checking her makeup as she fixed her hair again,

you stood up and went to change into the dorm uniform, yours was mostly black and white, while Lizzie's had the most red, when finished you decided to go see if they needed help with preparation for dinner, you went to the bathroom and washed your hands before heading to the dormitory kitchen, where you saw Trey at work In the kitchen

You knocked on the doorframe, "Sir Clover,"

he turned, "oh Lady (Y/n), did you need something?"

you smiled, "no I just wanted to know If you needed some help with dinner"

Trey smiled, "oh, thank you but I've got this I've always prepared dinner for the dorm, as well as Dessert, but If you want could you maybe frost the cake for me"

you nodded, rolling up the sleeves of your uniform before you got the already filled pipping bag, starting to frost and decorate the cake, in which your skills surprised Trey

"oh wow, It's almost too pretty to want to eat" he said

you giggled, "thank you, I always try to add a little art into everything I do"

"are you an artist then?"

you nodded, "yes, I mostly just painted portraits back home when I had leisure, and Lizzie insisted on being the model many times, her bedroom Is filled with her portraits"

Trey chuckled, "I see"

you did one last rose on the cake, before you stepped back looking at your work with a pleasant smile, you then set the piping bag down and picked up the cake holder, you set the cake onto the counter and put the glass cover over It, you then went to clean your hands of frosting 

"Thank you for the help Lady (Y/n)"

you smiled, "of course,"

your thoughts then trailed off, and you started thinking about your next club meeting with Malleus, you remembered promising to have a game of chess with him, you abruptly left the kitchen as to look for your chess set that you brought from home, it was in the bottom drawer on your side of the bedroom, you took It out and opened It up, unfolding the wooden board with all the black and white spaces In tact, and the pieces were all there as well

you sighed, "alright, this will do"

you remembered Malleus again, and it made a blush come to your cheeks, you brought a hand to your now warm cheek as you wondered why.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now