Back To School Chap.37

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Soon after staying In Brair Valley for another few days you all soon returned back to Night Raven College, after the holidays things went back to normal with all going well Lizzie had many things to tell you about from her time on break. she shared that her and Cater finally got around to having their first kiss in which you were very excited for her, she was all a glow with happiness In her new found love with him which made you happy to know she could experience what you had. Spring was now starting to approach but It was still very much cold and snowing on Sage's Island, It was In the afternoon and you were currently In the Heartslabyul Lounge with Riddle

he smiled, "It seems you had a good time, I'm glad to hear It"

you nodded, "Oh Brair Valley was wonderful, It's like...well a whole other world"

Lizzie nudged you, "I heard through the grape vine that Lord Malleus announced you has his lover to the court of Brair Valley"

you blushed, "He did Indeed,"

Riddle picked up his teacup, "How very Formal but that's to be expected of a soon to be king, how was It meeting the Witch of Thorns?"

everyone focused in after Riddle asked you that question, In which you didn't fail to notice

you smiled, "Her Majesty was Intimidating at first I won't lie, but the more I spoke with her the more I realized she's just like Malleus"

Riddle was surprised, "Oh? Is that all"

"Yes, she was a most gracious hostess and very easy to talk to"

Cater nervously laughed, "Heh, Not everyone can say they spoke to one of the great seven"

you had another sip of your tea just as you heard your phone vibrate, checking your message to see It was Lilia telling that Malleus was having one of his moments of anger as he'd broken his new phone again. you let out a sigh and put down your teacup

"Riddle, Cater, Lizzie I need to go for a moment" you said

Lizzie waved "Oh Ok, see you later"

you brushed off your Heartslabyul uniform before standing up, excusing yourself from the lounge as you headed out of Heartslabyul dormitory and crossed over to Diasomnia 

upon coming to the door It quickly opened with you seeing Sebek, "Ah! You've come Lady (Y/n) you're the only one who can get through to our liege, we don't dare to enter his room"

you giggled, "He'll be alright, he's only a little frustrated"

Sebek let you in as he stepped back, you saw Lilia on the carpet as he was doubled over In laughter In which you already shook your head "Lord Lilia, what's so funny?"

Lilia wiped a tear from his eye, "Oh It's you welcome my dear, If only you'd seen the look on Malleus's face minutes ago"

"What Look?"

Lilia stood up, "he had the most adorable pout on his face, I'd aquired a new phone for him and tried to teach him how to use it starting by...only holding It"

you nodded, "Go on?"

"And then I tried asking him to dial my phone number, I guided him through It number by number but he messed up again...and again, until he'd finally had enough"

you let out a giggle, "I see, I'll go talk to him"

you left the lounge and headed down the hallway where the dorm room's were, soon coming to your boyfriend's room as you knocked on his door a few times

"Lilia, If you've come to have me try again It's futile...that little box Is Insufferable"

you stifled a laugh, "Darling It's me"

after a moment there was silence before the door opened, and there you saw your Dragon Fae Prince with a look of sulking on his face but It softened upon seeing you "Come In My Rose"

you went inside as he closed the door behind him, just as you started to giggle again

he turned, "What's so amusing?"

you shook your head, "Nothing I'm sorry dear It's just..."

Malleus walked closer to you, "You think I'm funny as well? Lilia I expected this from but I..."

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it, he was right about you being adorable dear" you said

"But...I think you should try again with a phone, let me help you this time"

Malleus let out a huff as he then started to think, "Very well..."

you hugged him, "I'm glad, It's going to be alright"

Malleus then calmed down as he wrapped his arms around you, "Thank you My Rose"

you smiled, "Anything for you Malleus"

you got on your tip toes to kiss his cheek, but then he brought his arms around your waist as he wouldn't let you down so soon while he leaned down to kiss you deeply 

" shall I punish you for making fun of me?"

you blushed deeply, "Malleus"

he chuckled as he then kissed your cheek, sweeping you off of your feet as you laughed with him then carrying you over to his bed.

(FYI Nothing happened he was just teasing, cuddling within his wings)

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now