Changes and Avoidance Chap.26

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After that evening Lizzie went to Riddle and demanded to have a room by herself, In which he couldn't say no especially after she ordered him to do It, and so the arrangements were made with Lizzie moving out of the former room the both of you shared into her own, but what's more she didn't speak to you at all or even look at you after the day she moved out. Riddle of course asked what happened between the both of you In which you didn't feel comfortable sharing, so you kept the secret of why to yourself and didn't tell anyone as what happened was over, but you were very hurt and now feeling guilty as you'd lost your sister and best friend.

It had been three days since Lizzie had moved out, and now you had a lot of space to yourself In the room but you didn't care much about that, and as of late those around you didn't fail to notice how you'd seemed low In spirits especially your boyfriend Malleus. But you'd tried to put on your best face when around others especially him but he could tell something was wrong

It was In the morning and you'd just finished getting dressed into your uniform, now tying the bow to your uniform neatly as you then smoothed out your skirt, you put your hair back for today using the black bow and you slid your Heartslabyul arm band on 

you then put your magical pen into the pocket as you picked up your bag, before you left the room and headed to the Dorm's mess hall where Trey had just set out breakfast 

"Good morning Lady (Y/n)" he said with a smile

you smiled with a wave, "Good morning Trey"

you noticed that breakfast was buffet style this morning, and so you got a plate as you went to grab what looked good to you, which was some eggs and a berry scone with potatoes 

just as you went to sit down at the table Cater plopped down next to you, "Heya!"

you waved at him, "Morning Cater"

Cater was checking his hair with his camera, he then turned to you "So....what's going on with you and Lady Lizzie? you guys are usually joined at the hip"

you looked down at your plate, "Nothing...It was just a sibling spat"

"Oh? but it must've been bad enough to make her move out"

"Cater that's enough, don't pry Into their business" said Riddle

Riddle sat down across from you, "I apologize Lady (Y/n), but I couldn't say no to your sister's demands maybe we could try to remedy what's happening"

you shook your head, "No please don't apologize, once her mind is made up It won't change...she's always been like this, and no It's too late to remedy this but thank you"

Riddle cleared his throat, "I say this with the utmost care for you, not just as your fellow countrymen and Dorm Leader but as your friend"

you smiled a little, "I appreciate that a lot Riddle, thank you"

you picked up your fork as you started eating once again, and soon the topic of the conversation changed to something lighter that was until Lizzie strolled into the room, and she greeted Riddle and Cater but as she passed by you she gave you a glare that was filled with hatred

you didn't say a word as she sat down elsewhere not looking at you again, and you just minded your business as you continued to eat but then....frost started to creep up on your fork

and Cater didn't fail to notice, "Uh...Lady (Y/n)"

you looked down, "Oh, please excuse me"

"What was that?"

you started, "Whenever I'm in emotional distress this happens sometimes, It's tied with my Unique magic"

you rubbed your hands together as you warmed them up again, just as Riddle cleared his throat

"It's almost time for classes to begin, everyone hurry up now" he said

"Yes Dorm Leader!"

you picked up your teacup as you had another sip, then finishing your breakfast as you then wiped your mouth with the cloth napkin and you got up to clear away your plate, just as Lizzie walked past you with her bag in hand but she bumped into you on purpose "!!!"

and you nearly stumbled as you looked at her In a little disbelief, "Lizzie!"

she didn't stop and you rushed to go stop her, "Lizzie...enough with this, you know I'm helpless about this situation what do you want me to do?"

Lizzie stopped, "You know exactly what, and if you can't do It...."

she turned around and pushed you, "Don't come near me ever again"

you stumbled back but then the plate in your hands dropped to the floor, shattering upon impact and Riddle rose to his feet "Goodness! are you alright Lady (Y/n)"

"Yes...I'm okay"

he turned to Lizzie, "Lady Lizzie such shouldn't do that to your sister, as your Dorm Leader I advise you to apologize"

Lizzie looked to Riddle, "And What if I don't? she doesn't deserve It"

Riddle's brows furrowed, "Lady Lizzie, you may be a princess outside this school but here you abide by my rules"

Lizzie gripped the skirt of her uniform, "And?"

Riddle's face started turning a little red, "What do you mean and? don't think you can do whatever you want especially to Lady (Y/n)"

you went over to Riddle, "Riddle please, this is...between us"

Lizzie glared daggers at you before she turned and walked away, just as you let out a sigh and Riddle looked at you In concern as you went to go clean up the broken plate, but Trey was quick to come help as he advised you everything would be better later, and after that you just headed to your first class of the day but you were distracted and knew what needed to be done which was tell Malleus about what was going on.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now