A Kiss Chap.19

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Three days later....

a day ago your mother had video called with you both again to just check In, and she of course asked again if you'd kept yourselves from falling in love which Lizzie lied about, and you were still thinking about your feelings towards Malleus but still you gave a false answer, telling her no despite still figuring It out but you tried to put your mind towards other things at the moment. And Lizzie's feelings for Malleus only grew more but also her hidden Jealousy of you, and she took notice of now realizing she needed to stop having suspicions of you 

you were currently In your Magical potions class, working with Silver as usual and today's potion was one that could make a person shift to an animal, but more specifically a cat just to be safe

Silver was attentive although dozing off here and there but you always woke him up gently 

Silver yawned, "I'm sorry (Y/n)...did I doze off again"

you gave a subtle nod, "Yes but It's okay Professor Crewel didn't see you this time"

"Even so I really need to stop this somehow," he said

he then paid attention once more as you added Ingredients into the cauldron, all the while Silver mixed It with the huge stick, you tossed In some cat's hair and one last Ingredient as Silver mixed It before It started smoking also changing into a murky like color 

"Is that it?" he asked

you looked at the paper, "Yes I think so,"

but then a puff of smoke rose up and you watched as It cascaded back down into the cauldron, you then called Professor Crewel to come have a look and he examined it 

his lips curved, "Well done puppies, you both get an A plus"

you exchanged smiles with Silver, before Professor Crewel took a sip of the potion which made him turn into a white cat with black markings, you looked in awe but then remembered not to pet him so casually as you gave him the antidote for It which changed him back 

"Thank you Princess Rosabel, Silver you two keep up the work" he said

you put your hands together happily, before you and Silver gave each other a high five which you were getting used to especially since they did this all the time In Heartslabyul, afterwards you helped Silver to clean up before class ended and you headed off to your next class.

After ending your Magical history class you headed off to lunch, and while you sat with Riddle and Lizzie you found yourself distracted once more, and what you were thinking about was only further proved when your eyes met Malleus's with it making your heart begin to pound

your cheeks flushed, which Riddle noticed "Lady (Y/n) are you alright?"

you nodded, "Yes I'm fine, It's warmer lately to me"

you sipped out of your water bottle and Lizzie touched your cheek, "are you sick? you feel really warm"

you shook your head, "no I'm not sick I'm...okay"

you went back to eating as you hoped the conversation would end, and It did with Lizzie talking about her excitement to meet the new horse that was being brought to Equestrian club today, in which you'd almost forgotten that It was indeed club day once again which made you nervous, you were nervous to face Malleus at the moment but you decided that you'd go

After lunch ended you bid goodbye to your twin and fellow dorm mates, then heading to the usual spot near the great seven where you always met with Malleus, but you didn't see him In which made you wonder if he was alright but then you felt a familiar presence 

turning around to see him as you smiled, "Oh, there you are"

"Apologies for being late" he said

you tried to think of something else to say, "It's alright, I haven't seen Lilia since the other day is he well"

Malleus smiled, "yes, don't worry he's alright but...."

"As of late he's been bothering me non stop about something" 

you giggled, "That sounds like him doesn't It, what was it about?"

Malleus paused, "Well...It's about my emotions, I've been experiencing changes and I've felt things that I've never felt before"

you were surprised, "you have? so have I"

Malleus started walking towards you and you didn't understand what was wrong, Malleus stopped in front of you as you looked up at him "But...these feelings aren't bad at all"

you started to speak again but he surprised you when he bent down to hug you, wrapping his arms around you as you stood In shock for the moment "Malleus?"

he let out a sigh, "Allow me this...just for a second"

you smiled gently as you hugged him back in return, slowly starting to rest your head on his shoulder as you felt a sense of safety within his arms that'd you'd never known before, and honestly you were afraid he'd be able to hear how loudly your heart was beating 

you patted his back a bit, "Malleus...is something wrong? are you alright"

"I don't know...right now there's something I wish to do so badly but I fear I might upset you"

you started, "Upset me? Malleus you'd never upset me I promise"

Malleus closed his emerald eyes before he parted from you a little, bringing his hand to your cheek as he looked you in the eyes, his emerald eyes that you'd lose yourself In whenever he looked at you with that enchanting but also Sincere gaze, that was filled with many things now

Malleus then cupped your other cheek as he bent down, and leaned in as he closed the distance between you both by pressing his lips to yours, your cheeks flushed crimson as you stood stunned but then you started melting into the kiss as he held you there with care, this was your first ever kiss but more Importantly with the man who'd come to be within your heart

you felt warm tears gather in your eyes, and a few slipped down your cheeks as in your mind you now realized you had Indeed fallen In love with Malleus Draconia, but upon breaking the kiss Malleus noticed you were crying which made him not know what to do 

"are you...I'm sorry I didn't mean..."

you brought your hand to your lips as you felt some more tears come, you didn't know what to think or feel right now which made you take the decision to run away, leaving Malleus wondering if his decision was the wrong approach to take this

"I didn't mean to hurt her...I just wanted to show her how I feel, Until I met her I'd never felt anything like this before In all my years...I'm...I'm In love".

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now