Walks with Lilia Chap.18

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Day and Night after that day you continued working on the Painting until it was completed, the liberties you took with It was that you painted Malleus surrounded by white roses, and Upon seeing It Lizzie was jealous about your choosing to Paint Malleus, at first she questioned why she couldn't have been the model as she was Unique too but you reminded her that she had so many self portraits back home. But upon turning In the finished product you were given an A as well as the honor of having the picture hung up In a display at school which you were embarrassed about, but the Painting pleased Malleus so much that he asked your permission and the teacher's If he could have It taken to stay In Diasomnia and you complied, It had become his most favorite piece of art but the reason why was because you painted It, and In this heart there had come to be an unfathomable feeling that he strongly felt towards you now, It made him feel like doing nonsensical things such as sing or perhaps take to the sky, which he could do both of course but still the feeling you gave him made him happy, you made him happy 

Lilia was onto what was happening with his Pupil, he could already tell Malleus had fallen In love for the first time and the person he felt It for was you, he knew he should explain it to him but this time around he wanted Malleus to learn it for himself so he could grow. But Lilia was curious about you, he wondered if you shared these same feelings for Malleus In return but he wouldn't press the question, Instead he wanted to just walk with you

It was In the evening and Lilia Invited you to walk with him, In which you obliged

"How are you, is your sister well" he asked

you smiled, "I'm good and yes she's fine"

"That's good to hear"

Lilia then started speaking again, "you know something ever since Malleus brought that painting back to the dorm he's admired It everyday"


Lilia smiled, "yes...and I don't blame him It's a masterpiece but I believe he's favored It a lot because you painted It"

you blushed, "Me? I...well"

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about my dear, your his first and dearest friend"

you felt your heart hurt at the word *Friend* "Oh...."

"Is something the matter?"

you shook your head, "I don't know...In my heart I'm feeling..."

Lilia stopped and touched your shoulder "I believe I know what this feeling is, I've been around for a very longtime but I'm not blind...the look In your eyes says it all when you see him"

you felt your heart starting to pound, "Lilia...what're you on about?"

"Does the thought of just being his friend pain you?"

you realized and slowly responded, "It shouldn't but It does...why...I he's a dear friend to me too but It feels like he's becoming more...I can't stop thinking about him lately especially whenever I'm reminded of the times we've had so far I...I can't help but get trapped In his gaze"

Lilia smiled, "That's because you've fallen In love"

those words struck you for a moment, but then you shook your head "No...It can't be, I'm...Lizzie and I aren't allowed to fall In love"

his eyes widened "What? why would you say that"

you put your hands together, "Because our Mother raised us that way...we're not supposed to give our hearts carelessly to anyone"

"Well that's no good, how are you supposed to experience the happiness and joys of falling In love, youngsters like you should be able to love like that and have the freedom"

you felt yourself starting to tear up, "But we don't get that freedom Lord Lilia...even so how would I even know If I love someone In that way"

Lilia rubbed your back as an act of comfort, "I can't answer that for you, but I believe you'll soon come to know the answer"

you looked down at your hands before bringing them to your chest, starting to ponder Lilia's words just now as you started thinking deeper about how Malleus had changed to you and in your eyes, how he'd become part of your every day life as well as happiness.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now