Lizzie's Rage Chap.25

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A Week later....

you were currently with Malleus in Diasomnia as he'd invited you to have dinner with them, and during the meal Lilia spilled a lot more tales about his past escapades, In which you learned that he was Indeed a veteran soldier who'd gotten many merits centuries ago in Thorn Valley, he served In the royal army and all which that was something you hadn't been told before

"Wow, so you served his grandmother yourself?"

Lilia smiled, "Yeah, but that story is as old as I am now, though I do love to tell It every now and again"

Silver coughed, "Father, are you done telling about your glory days"

Lilia chuckled, "Fufufu, I never am"

you giggled as you then exchanged a smile with Malleus, but then Sebek spoke up

"Listen up Princess (Y/n)! , I accept your relations with my Liege and I can see that you make him very happy, continue to do so okay!"

you were taken aback, but you just smiled "I will you can count on me"

Malleus cleared his throat, "Sebek"

"Sorry my lord!" he apologized

you giggled, "It's alright darling I don't mind It at all"

Malleus smiled as he held your hand, "Alright"

a smile came to Lilia's face, "Young love, fufufu If only I still had time for such a thing but I'm much too old"

as you soon finished the meal you soon went to sit with them In the common area, as Sebek made tea and brought out some Valley of Thorns tea cakes to have, In which you'd never tried food from the Valley of Thorns but It was really nice 

"If you'd like we could have a dinner with foods from my home next time"

you smiled, "That'd be delightful"

just then one of the grandfather clocks started to chime, and you knew It was six o clock 

"Darling It's about time for me to go back,"

Malleus nodded and stood up, "Okay, I'll see you off"

"Thank you for having me tonight" you said to the other three 

Lilia smiled, "Of course you're welcome anytime my dear, though I was supposed to cook tonight's dinner but Silver stopped me"

Silver cleared his throat, "It was for her and our own good...."

you and Malleus then headed to the dormitory's exit as he came outside with you, and you embraced each other In a hug before you got on your toes as you kissed

Malleus ran his hand through your hair, "Take care on your way back,"

you kissed his cheek, "I will, goodnight Malleus"

he smiled warmly "Goodnight my love, I hope you'll have pleasant dreams"

 he laced your hand in his and he lifted It to his lips, kissing the back of it as he let you go, and you waved to him as you left with a smile on your face as you then left Diasomnia, all the while you bashfully giggled to yourself as you passed through the mirror exit.

Upon returning back home to Heartslabyul you were greeted by Ace and Deuce

"Welcome home big sis!" said Deuce

you smiled, "Thank you, shouldn't you two be getting ready for bed?"

"Yeah but we're planning to game a little, don't tell Dorm Head Rosehearts" said Ace

you giggled, "Okay but keep In mind he'll be doing his rounds soon, don't let him catch you"

Ace and Deuce gave nods before they quickly headed off, and you went further Inside the dormitory as you headed to the wing of rooms, and once you came to your room you gripped the rose knob before turning It as you pushed the door open, but then....

you saw something fly your way and you quickly ducked down In fright "!!!!"

and In confusion you picked up what had been thrown, which was your journal and you looked up to see Lizzie storming up to you with anger written all over her face


you furrowed your brows, "Lizzie? what's wrong and why did you throw this"

"Don't pretend not to know, you really should do better when storing that thing away...I read all of It"

you silently gasped, "Lizzie, you know you shouldn't look at other people's things like this"

she mimicked you before snatching It away, "Of course but you shouldn't steal another's man now should you! I know all about your relationship with could you!?"

you were taken aback, "Lizzie...don't tell you-"

tears started coming to her eyes, "I'm In love with Malleus too!"

you silently gasped again as you brought a hand to your mouth, "Oh my...."

many things started running through your mind, but then "Lizzie, how was I supposed to know we've always shared things with each other since young've changed"

she barked back, "And so have you! I can't believe you did this to me"

Lizzie turned away from you as she covered her face, "but I shouldn't be surprised It's always been like always get what you want don't you?"

you walked up to her, "Lizzie...I'm so sorry but how could I have known if you didn't tell me"

you started touching her shoulder, "Listen...I don't know what to say, not at all...except I'm sorry"

Lizzie pushed you away from her, "Well I and I are finished! I don't have a twin like you hear me when I say you are dead to me!"

you stood feeling hurt, "Lizzie be reasonable! It's not my fault how could I help who I fall In love with? and besides we've now broken Mother's rule for us"

"I know and I'm going to tell her what you did" she said

she started out of the bedroom and you grabbed her hand, "Lizzie please wait! you have to calm down and listen to me we can fix this I-"

Lizzie turned to face you, "you want to fix this? fine then promise me right now you'll break up with him"

you stood In shock unbelieving of what you heard, "What...."

Lizzie gripped your arms, "Can you do It?"

you avoided her gaze, " could you ask that...I love him so much Lizzie...why are you-"

Lizzie's face contorted and she pushed you away again, but then she raised her hand as she slapped you across the face with the force making you stumble to the floor


you looked up at Lizzie with teary eyes as you held your stinging cheek, "Lizzie please!"

Lizzie reached for the rose doorknob, "How could I be born with a twin like you...."

she then walked out and slammed the door behind her, as you sat there still holding your red and stinging cheek but then you couldn't fight back the tears anymore.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now