Rage Unleashed Chap.30

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Once you hit the ground everyone went into a panic, Malleus rushed over to your side as he brought you into his arm's as he tried to wake you up. but it wouldn't work so easily which made him start to fear what could've happened to you but as he listened for your pulse, he was a little relieved but that didn't explain why he couldn't wake you up no matter what he tried

"What on earth happened!" Exclaimed Riddle

Lilia came over, "let me see her,"

Malleus let Lilia look you over as he then listened to see you did indeed have a pulse, Lilia tried to wake you up but It too wouldn't work. just as Lizzie pleaded for them to help you wake up

just then Malleus noticed a black mist emitting from your bracelet, In which he sensed that It was cursed so he concluded that was the cause. "Lilia! she's been cursed"

Lilia's eyes widened, "Cursed?"

Lilia looked to your bracelet as he sensed it too, "You're right, It's coming from there!"

Malleus ripped the bracelet off your wrist as he crushed it in his hands, the curse lifting from you as you started coming to, "(Y/n), My Rose?"

you opened your eyes, "Malleus....?"

he hugged you tightly, "you're awake, everything's going to be alright now"

you rubbed his back, "what happened to me?"

"Your bracelet was cursed,"

you furrowed your brows, "What? but how can that be...It was given to me by-"

just then Malleus turned to Lizzie, he started to become furious "Did you do this?"

"How could you accuse me of such a thing! she's my sister"

Malleus helped you stand up, just as you started over to Lizzie In disbelief

"Lizzie...you didn't...right? please tell me the truth, you'd never hurt me"

you gripped onto her hands, "Please tell me the truth!"

she pushed you away and onto the ground, just as her eye's narrowed at you just as something started to darken. Lizzie started walking closer "You want to know? fine....."

"I did It"

Riddle was taken aback, "Your own sister...how could you!"

Lizzie clenched her fists, "you thought I'd accept your olive branch...no I crushed It after Malleus spoke to me, I'll never apologize nor forgive you for taking everything from me"

you came onto your feet, "Lizzie! are you mad, I thought that you...why are you doing this!"

"I am Mad and I'm angry, I'm jealous and I'm furious!" she shouted

"You always get what you want but what about me!? Mother and Father always loved you more, you're the younger twin while I am the oldest, I should be heiress to the throne...It should all be mine!"

Lizzie then started laughing, you were terrified but needed to snap her out of it you started towards her but you were sent back by a force, and Malleus rushed to catch you just as you saw the sky start to darken as shadow's started dancing all around Lizzie

just as Riddle recognized what was happening, "Oh no....Everyone Leave Immediately! send for Headmaster quickly! Dorm Leader's get your students to safety"

everyone started to evacuate, but then the entrance's were blocked off by a huge thorny vine with roses on them and as you turned back to Lizzie her appearance had changed. she had darker makeup and inky tears streaming down her cheek's her dress was long, she held a scepter In her hand's with dark crooked crown atop her head as she then smirked

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now