Baking with Clover Chap.16

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It was one of the day's off from classes, Lizzie left Campus to go shopping with Vil and Rook while you decided to stay behind this time because Trey Invited you to help him, to make a cake that is for tonight's dessert but also for fun as he was bored, and you accepted happily as you were always happy to do something for Trey but also you too were idle as well

you tied your medium length hair back Into a ponytail with a bow, before rolling up the sleeves of your dress and you put on one of the dorms aprons as you came into the kitchen

"Hey, Ready to do some baking" said Trey

you smiled, "Yes"

you went to wash your hands at the sink before drying them, on the Island he had everything set up that you'd need and use, and Trey opened up his recipe book as he looked for the cake

"Okay, this is It we'll be making a red velvet bundt cake today"

you smiled, "sounds delicious, what do I do first?"

Trey went to wash his hands, "First things first, we have to put the dry Ingrediants together"

you nodded, before getting the bag of cake flour and Trey told you when to stop pouring as you did so with a steady hand, and then you added in the unsweet Coca powder before Trey came over with the melted butter and oil, you then started mixing while he cracked the eggs needed

"Now you have to stir steadily not too slow but not too fast"

you nodded, he then added in the eggs and red gel food coloring, all the while you mixed It together while humming but then your mind started trailing off somewhere, back to your conversation about roses with Malleus

* "did you know that the white rose represents Purity and Innocence"

"I do, that's why It's my favorite over red roses but I do love both"

Malleus smiled, "As do I, but have you ever seen a black rose?"

"No I know they represent mourning, but the black color is something that I admire"

Malleus then brought a hand to his chin, "Indeed, and the red of a regular rose Represents True love and Affection..."

Malleus trailed off just as he looked you in the eye as he repeated "True Love..."*

you felt your heartbeat quicken at the memory, and you wondered why he looked at you while saying those words but you tried to not think too deeply about It as your cheeks warmed

"Lady (Y/n)? Lady (Y/n)"

you came back to reality as you looked at Trey, "Yes?"

"you slowed down with the mixing"

you looked down and realized before you continued mixing, In which Trey chuckled

"Something on your mind?"

you looked at him before looking away as you smiled, "Not really I was just remembering something that was said to me"

"I see,"

you then bit your lip as you tried to think of something else other than Malleus, but It was hard to think of something and your heart continued to beat loudly In your chest 

you kept mixing the batter until you felt your wrist hurt, and Trey took over for you while you went to check if the oven was heated up enough but It was nearly there

you turned around, "Trey, the oven's almost ready"


you then decided to get a glass of water as you were thirsty for a while, and after having a sip you once again found yourself gazing off into space as your thoughts trailed off, but then you came out of them upon hearing the buzzer go off so you knew the oven was ready 

Trey poured the batter into the pan before sliding It into the oven, then closing and setting the oven for the amount of time needed to bake, you then helped Trey to make the frosting glaze that would go on the cake all the while the cake was baking in the oven

just then Ace popped into the kitchen, "Hey!"

you turned, "Oh, Sir Trappola"

Ace started, " can call me Ace you know Lady (Y/n), you've been here for a while now"

you smiled, "Okay, If It'd pleased you Ace"

Ace smiled with a nod before he went over to the fridge, searching inside for something

"Somethin smells good you guys baking?"

you nodded, "Yes, Trey asked me to help him out"

Ace bounded over, "Can I taste the frosting?"

Trey sighed, "Sure"

Trey got some from the bowl on a spoon but he gestured to you, and Trey understood he wanted you to give It to him, you started laughing before you got the spoon and fed him a taste

"Thanks Big sis!" he said

you were taken aback before you smiled, "Big sister? do you think of me as one"

"Yeah all of us do, you're always looking out for us just like Clover so you're like a big sister"

you smiled, "It makes you all my little brother's then? besides Trey"

Ace started laughing, "Yeah but just don't say that In front of Dorm Leader, he counts as Little brother too"

Trey stifled his own chuckle, "Okay Okay, we shouldn't talk about Riddle like this"

Ace grabbed his snack and headed out the kitchen while still laughing, and a while later while you cleaned up the kitchen the buzzer for the oven went off, and Trey checked the cake

"Hey, It looks great" he said

putting on his oven mitts as he pulled it, then getting it out the bundt pan so It could cool down, you took off your apron and unrolled your sleeves as you brushed off your dress skirt just as you received a message on your phone, looking to see It was from Deuce

: Lady (Y/n) please come help, Ace just joked about Dorm Head being his little brother and he's trying to catch him

you let out a sigh as you shook your head, letting Trey know before you left to go try calming your now irritated Dorm Leader.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now