Holiday Ball Chap.35

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A Week Later....

The evening of the Holiday Ball had arrived with all of Brair Valley In raptures with excitement, but also for the return of their prince and future king whom they wished to get just a glimpse. the castle was adorned and decorated with the guest list long sent out, you were excited but also a little nervous but Malleus assured you that all would be fine even after he introduce you as his lover to the court, which Queen Maleficia told Malleus that no one would dare say a thing about you being a human which gave him all the more relief and confidence.

You and Malleus had just parted not too long ago as you had to get ready for the ball, now you were back In your room within the castle, Queen Maleficia assigned some Fae maids to help with whatever you needed while you were staying there and they had been very kind to you. after freshening up In the bath where they helped to wash your hair and the like, they used their magic to help you dry off before you went back to your bedroom to get dressed

you took out the formal dress you'd brought for the ball, It was white with lace and had long sleeves to It and It would be called simple but It was very beautiful too (Click Above to see),  you changed Into it with the maids help before you sat at your vanity to do your makeup 

"Princess Rosabel her Majesty asked us to do these for you don't trouble yourself"

you nodded, "oh, thank you if you don't mind then"

you then sat still as they went to work on your hair and makeup for you, with the end result being something not too far from what you did but you had a red lipstick this time. and your wavy white hair was combed with It being pulled back into a low bun to finish the look

"It's beautiful! thank you so much"

you then put on your black dangle earrings and matching necklace, topping It off with your tiara that you only wore for occasions like this or portraits. just as there came a knocking on the door with It soon opening up by magic to reveal Queen Maleficia herself who was dressed up too 

you stood up, "Your Maje-"

Maleficia smiled, and stopped you from bowing "You look very lovely, are you ready"


she turned, "Come, The Ball will begin as soon as Malleus arrives"

you picked up your skirts a little as you followed her out the room, and down the cooridor as you heard the sounds of music already as Queen Maleficia filled you in on those attending the ball,  you soon made the small trip down the stairs as you came upon her throne room as the guards parted the doors open with magic to reveal the splendor before you inside of the room

there were Fae of all kinds along with humans too, the Fae's that were dancing together had their wings out as they gracefully danced together up in the air which left you full of awe. but you soon came out of your surprise as you followed Maleficia to her throne 

she grasped her staff as she sat down, gesturing everyone to rise but then you saw Sebek enter through the doors as he was dressed up formally for the ball too 

he then boomed "Announcing the Arrival of his highness Prince Malleus!"

a smile came to your face as you saw Malleus step inside, everyone In the room took to a low bow and so did you as the crowd split for him as he walked to you step by step 

once he was in front of you, he reached out to touch your chin gently "My Love"

you looked up at him with a smile as he then guided you to stand up, he then turned to acknowledge everyone else as he took your hand into his own 

Malleus started, "Let It be known throughout Brair Valley that Princess (Y/n) Rosabel, Heiress to the Rose Queendom's my Beloved and my Chosen"

Everyone soon began to chant, "Bless the night! Bless the night!"

the guests started to applaud with approval while some others started to whisper amongst themselves, just as the music started once more with Malleus going to give his grandmother a kiss upon her cheek before he ushered you along to follow him out to the dance floor

"Shall we dance my rose?"

you smiled warmly, "Of course"

you got into position as he put an arm around your waist, with Malleus leading you stepped together in time as you glided across the floor while everyone looked on in awe 

Lilia came over to Maleficia's side, "Quite the couple are they not your Majesty?"

Maleficia let out a sigh, "They are, I first had my doubts about this girl but...."

a smile came to her face, "She has put all my reservations to rest perhaps...even Malenor would have come to adore her"

Malleus spun you around and brought you back to him as you continued dancing, It honestly felt so magical to be there dancing with him like this and It felt as if It was only you two there 

"If only time would stop in this moment" Malleus said 

you giggled, "I know what you mean, but time as to go on eventually darling"

Malleus smiled warmly, "(Y/n), you don't know how happy I am that you're here with me In my home country...dancing with me and having met Grandmother"

you smiled, "Darling..."

"I love you more than words can ever express...and this love just keeps growing" 

you felt your heart swell at his words and you started, "I love you much"

he brought your hand up to his lips, "I know"

just then you realized something was different as you looked down, seeing that you both were dancing in midair surrounded by twinkling little green lights that sparkled 

you then noticed a far away look in his eyes, "Is something wrong?"

he sighed, "It's just...I wish Mother and Father were here to meet you, as you know they both perished long before I hatched I'm Mother's name was Malenor and my Father Revern"

"Lilia's told me some about that before...I'm so sorry"

Malleus shook his head, "It's not your fault...It's long passed anyway, but sometimes I still wonder why did they...."

you hugged him and rubbed his back, "Something must've happened but...I'm sure that they loved you with all their hearts Malleus"

he brought his arms around you In turn, then resting his chin on your shoulder as you soon started floating back down to the ballroom's floor. but then you broke the contact as you had to formally bow to each other to end the dance with you both leaving to the balcony 

the moon was high In the sky and the stars were bright, although It was chilly outside too In which Malleus removed his cape to put it around your shoulders as he brought you close. He inhaled before exhaling as you saw green flames emitted, you didn't forget he was a dragon too but sometimes It didn't fail to surprise you sometimes

"Are you warm enough my love?"

you smiled and rested your head on his shoulder, "Yes"

you then looked up at the sky, "It's so beautiful tonight"

Malleus's lips curved upwards, "Yeah, but It can't compare to you on this night my rose"

you smiled warmly as you leaned into him, turning to face him as you both shared a long kiss.

(Music Is Composed by the Fiechters, all credits go to them)

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