Messages from Home Chap.9

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It was In the evening after classes, and you'd just finished having dinner In the mess hall with the other residents, ever since you came to Heartslabyul you and Lizzie would sit with Riddle at his table half of the time unless you offered to sit with Cater or Trey, as of late you'd gotten closer to the both of them but Trey more so even though you did enjoy Cater's bubbly personality,

Lizzie was In the middle of putting a face mask on her face In front of her vanity mirror, that was how she often wound down every night before bed, and It was for her skin care as well, Lizzie was the one who cared the most about the littlest details with her appearance, and it sometimes made you wonder how she didn't end up In Pomefiore Instead of Heartslabyul, 

you'd already changed into your pajamas, and had your hair already brushed out so now you went to work on the homework assigned by Professor Trein, 

Lizzie laid back on her bed, "(Y/n)"


she let out a sigh, "are you coming to the show? you know the production that I'm In"

you looked back to your paper, "of course,"

just then Lizzie's phone started ringing, and she went to answer It "It's Mother!"

she gestured you to come over, and you put down your quill to come over and sit on her bed as she tapped the video call option, with your mother soon appearing on the screen, wearing her usual formal attire with her golden crown atop her deep brown hair

"Ah There you are, my darlings how are you?"

you smiled, "we're doing well Mother, how are things at home"

your mother let out a sigh, "the same, but your father misses you very much and in fact he wanted to be a part of this call, but something else came to his attention"

"Oh, please give him our love though" you said

your mother smiled, "Of tell me how your studies are, have you improved with your magic"

Lizzie nodded, "I have, but I haven't gotten my Unique Magic like (Y/n) has"

"It takes time but I hope you'll continue taking your studies seriously, now tell me have you had any trouble with the other students there have they acted like scoundrels?"

"Not at all, everyone is very kind and respectful" you answered 

"That's what I like to hear, (Y/n), keep up your studies as well but I'm sure I don't have to remind you, always remember that one day you will wear this crown and honor It well"

Lizzie secretly rolled her eyes, and you bowed your head "I am aware"

your Mother looked to you both, "before I go, one last thing, do you remember what I told you about not giving your heart away?"


"I know it may sound cruel, but please know that It's for your own good"

you looked down and started thinking beyond her words, your mother never actually told you why she didn't like the idea of falling in love, and it made you all the more curious about what It would be like to fall in love with someone.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now