Graduation Chap.38

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Three Years later...

A lot had happened since then Malleus and the rest of the third year dorm leaders had graduated, and Malleus officially became King of Brair Valley while you were officially named Crown Princess of the Rose Queendom. You and Lizzie were now 21 years old, having completed your remaining studies at Night Raven College receiving your licenses as now Official Mages and magic users. It was the day of Graduation for all of the Magic Colleges on Sage's Island Including Royal Sword Academy, your Mother and Father were present at the ceremony

"Princesses of Rose Queendom, please come up to receive your Diploma's"

you and Lizzie looked to each other with a smile as you then walked to the stage together, Dire Crowley handed you yours first before moving on to Lizzie 

"Lady (Y/n), Lady Elizabeth It's been an honor to be your headmaster these past years I wish you good luck In your lives and (Y/n)...Congratulations on Officially becoming Crown Princess"

you smiled, "Thank you Dire Crowley,"

he shook your hand before bowing, and did the same with Lizzie before the both of you went down the line as you shook the hands of the rest of the Night Raven College staff 

"I'm gonna miss you two little Imps, Ya'll take care now" said Sam

you and Lizzie went back to your seats just as you looked around, then seeing from the corner of your eyes you saw Malleus watching from afar within the shadows not too far away

a smile came to your face as your heart swelled, you knew he'd make It in time for your graduation after all you sent him an Invitation last month and he'd been so busy as of late

he held a staff In his hands that resembled his Mother Malenor's, his robes long and black as midnight but much more fancy now that he was the king, he smiled lovingly in your direction which made you wish you could run to his side but you'd wait to sneak away until the end.

After the Ceremony had ended everyone got together for group pictures, In which your mother wanted to speak with you and Lizzie both about something that she'd wanted to say for a while

"Forgive me both of you...I was trying to do what I thought was best for you, but I realize now that...keeping your children from love is a cruel thing, you must know before I met your father I was In love with a boy who wasn't royalty or nobility...he was a cobbler but your Grandmother forbade It and he and I sought to secretly elope but...he'd broken his promise to me"

you furrowed your brows, "Oh no"

"It's true...he'd broken my heart, and soon after that I was betrothed to your father...I didn't want you to experience the same pain but I wasn't being a proper Mother"

you spoke up first, "Mother we've never resented you for this, but It did cause some pain for us down the line at a time"

Lizzie nudged you, "We should tell her"

you nodded In agreement, "Alright, Mother...Lizzie and I have been keeping a secret from you, she and I have boyfriends"

your mother stood surprised but then smiled, "I see, I'm very glad"

she hugged the both of you at once with you hugging her back, "Now I'd like to meet them"

Lizzie smiled, "I'll introduce my Cater first! he's that dashing stud over there taking pictures"

you smiled as you watched Lizzie guide your mother over to meet Cater, while you slipped away to the back wooded area behind where the ceremony had just taken place

"Malleus? are you still here?"

Malleus emerged from behind a tree as he held his magical staff, "Here I am"

you smiled, "Darling"

he smiled warmly and opened his arms to you with you rushing over to him, he embraced you closely as he brought a hand up to your head his longer pointed black nails ran through your hair. his Emerald eyes still holding all of his love for you after all this time away from him

he brought your hand to his lips, "I've missed you"

you rested your head against his chest, "I missed you too, how are things at home?"

Malleus sighed, "They are well, as you know Lilia...left to go travel the world for the remainder of his days, Silver's gone to the woods to live In his cottage but is present In my court at times while Sebek...."

his lips curved, "he's the captain of the royal guards"

you smiled, "That's wonderful, I'm glad to hear they're doing well"

Malleus held you closer, "How I wish you could come back with me"

you leaned into him, "I know, but we both have our duties right now...but there'll be time we'll be together again soon"

Malleus sighed, "Yes and until then I will savor this moment with you"

he leaned down as he touched his forehead upon yours, before he rested his hand upon your cheek guiding you to look up at him as you soon shared a kiss that was long. soon after that you shared another few kisses together underneath the willow tree that was there 

Malleus squeezed your hand, "Are you sure you couldn't come with me just for one night? we've been apart for months only through letters or phone we've talked"

your heart pulled, you did want to be with him longer than this just as you heard Lizzie looking for you now in which you told him to wait there for a moment more as you went back

"There you are! Mother's been looking for you" she said

you started, "Lizzie there's something I need you to keep secret for me"

Lizzie nodded and came closer, as you whispered In her ear "I'm going back to Brair Valley with Malleus just until tomorrow"

"Ok, I'll let Mother know that you've just gone to celebrate with your friends"

you smiled and hugged her, "Thank you"

"Of course, now off you go don't keep him waiting"

you removed your mage's hat as you gave It to Lizzie, then hurrying back to the woods where Malleus waited while humming to himself the tune he'd known since he was a baby 

"My Rose, you're back"

you smiled, "Yes, and I'm coming with you"

Malleus smiled brightly, "Really? you don't know how happy I am to hear It, come let's go"

he swept you off your feet into a bridal carry as he then used his magic to transport you both away.

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now