Silver's Birthday Chap.13

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Two Months had passed, but during that time you and Malleus had gotten closer In that time to the point where he fully let his guard down around you and could call you a good friend, and you too felt that you could be more of yourself around him as well, But Lilia didn't fail to notice the change beginning In his young ward In terms of his attitude and mood but Lilia kept his delight to himself. A few days ago Lilia had come to you and Lizzie Inviting you both to Silver's birthday party that would be held within Diasomnia, In which you accepted happily though you did have a bit of trouble picking out a gift for him but you hoped that he'd like the final choice.

It was after classes had finished, and you were back in your dorm getting ready for the party along with your twin, after the long day of classes freshening up before a party was a must and It was something you did on the regular back home, so after freshening up you went through your usual routine as if you were getting dressed for the day again, changing Into your casual but still a bit formal party wear (Click above to see Dress) It was a white dress with lace detailing, and now you styled your dry hair into a half up and half down style, before you went to sit at your vanity while doing your makeup and you finished with a burgundy colored lip

you put away the lipstick before you went to put on your shoes, also putting in your dangle black earrings going to get Silver's birthday present from in the drawer just as you felt a tap on your shoulder, and you saw Lizzie 

"well, what do you think?"

she did a few poses, she was wearing a red dress with some black detailing on it and her makeup was vibrant, you smiled and gave her a nod In response to how she looked

"Great! this is my newest dress you know, I couldn't wait to wear It"

after checking yourselves over one last time you left your room, and you'd already informed Riddle that you'd be at the party this evening so there'd be no Issues, you made your way out of Heartslabyul dorm and crossed over to the mirror for Diasomnia, Lizzie was very excited as this would be her first time at Diasomnia, upon coming through the mirror Lizzie looked around In surprise at how dark it was everywhere In the dorm and she seemed a bit frightened

"Um...I don't want to be rude, but are those bats"

you nodded, "mhm, Lord Malleus said they live around here"

she followed as you made your way up the path to the dormitory itself, and when you came to the huge wooden doors you knocked on them twice, waiting until the left side opened up 

"Ah there you are, Welcome" said Lilia

he stepped aside as you made your way inside to the lounge area, It was nicely decorated and there were tables set up with treats and other goodies, you could see a few familiar faces too such as your own Dorm Leader Riddle, Rook Hunt, Kalim Al Asim, Jack Howl and Deuce 

just then you saw the birthday boy himself, dressed up in a green and black outfit issued custom for him from the school and you thought It looked amazing, Lilia went over to Silver and pointed out the both of you to him before he started walking over, "Thank you for coming"

you smiled, "of course, here, Happy Birthday Silver"

he received the gift box from you, and he smiled a little "thank you very much, I'll open It later with the others, please enjoy yourselves"

Lizzie gave him a gift bag and happy birthday too, with him then taking your presents over to the table where all the others sat near the table with his birthday cake, 

"Hey It's you!"

you turned, "hm?"

Kalim smiled, "I've seen you around but never got a change to say Hi, I'm Kalim, Kalim Al Asim"

It started with Chess, Malleus Draconia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now