That Feeling...

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I've always heard Armin say something about the walls almost everyday

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I've always heard Armin say something about the walls almost everyday.

One day, when Armin was explaining it, not aware of his surroundings, military police almost overheard him, and we had to make a lie about it to save his skin. or all of our skins at most. It didn't really matter to me, but I guess I was slightly curious about what's over the walls.

Listening to his babble, smiling while doing so. I felt uneasy.

So unesasy that I held my heart to try to embrace the energy but it was overwhelming. I tried to look somewhere where is it coming from, but I looked at the gate. It's coming from the gate?  Is it... is it outside the gate?

I looked at my friends, and my sister.

That feeling...

Something is about to happen.


A flash occurred and the sky went dark as there was lightning-looking shooting outside from the gate. It shocked everyone and immediately turned around to see what was going on. Eren, Mikasa, and I had a force that felt as if we were floating and fell on the ground hard.

" What was... that.." I said. I was still recovering when I fell due to the force. The group and I got up quickly to see what the commotion was.  We turned to see people pointing something at the wall and more people walked to take a look. I felt another strong energy that was coming, telling me to leave.

" Guys I think-" I said but stopped as Armin started to walk over to what was going on. " Armin, what are you doing!" Eren said starting running. Mikasa grabbed my hand and ran off with them. " But...that noise!" I said out loud. " Not right now y/n!" Mikasa said.

After running we finally made it to Armin. He looked like he couldn't believe his eyes looking up. "Talk to me! What's going on-" Eren said as he turned, which made him stop and looked. I looked at it well.

With my face of pure shock, there was a hand on the wall. I froze and stared with wide eyes.  W-Wait. " How is that possible?! The wall is 50 meters high!" Armin said, preparing to run. A shadow was shown covering the whole town, a titan appeared full of bones and flesh muscles everywhere. With smoke coming behind the titan.

All of a sudden, a strong wind gusted and I tried to hold a Mikasa dress to try to lose balance as Armin went down to the ground. Buildings were in the sky falling like meteors shooting houses everywhere. " I..It blasted the wall like it was kicking a rock.." Armin said with a shaking voice trying to cover what he saw.

I looked at the titan coming for the gate with a smiling face, people running for their lives and screaming and crying.

It was so loud...

I couldn't focus, the ringing in my ears got louder and made me cover my ears.

" Y/n!" Eren said running to me. "It's so loud! Make it stop!" I said, crying my ears out of the pain. Mikasa picked me up with her strength and tried to comfort me.

" We have to get out of here.." Armin said. " Eren no!" Armin screamed while looking at Eren walking to the gate slowly. " My house is in that direction...Mom's all by herself." Eren said.
Wait- Mrs. Jaeger.
Mrs. Jaeger lives near there... she's in trouble. Mikasa ran while carrying me trying to run home.

" Mikasa- Y/n wait!" Armin said, putting his hand away.

I look behind at people crying from their families crushed by the rocks, people running away. After turning a corner I tried to free myself trying to see if mommy was okay.

"MOM!!!" Eren screamed at the top of his lungs. I finally got free as I ran behind Mikasa. My mouth is openly trying to process her's house being crushed by a rock. Eren yells trying to reach her if she can hear. I see her being crushed by the roof. "Kids.." She said but with a weakening tone.  " Hurry, Y/n go to the end to pull, Mikasa pull in the middle!" She ordered. I nodded as I tried to push the wood with all my strength but there was no budge.

A big footstep was heard.

Mikasa, Eren and I turned to see the noise of a woman titan coming over.

"Come on, darn it! Pull harder!" Eren shouted as he struggled to move the piece of wood. "We're doing our best!" Mikasa and I cried out, straining to use all our strength. Our fingers were sore and swollen, but we refused to give up. "You need to escape! Eren, take Mikasa and y/n and get out of here!" She commanded, urging them to flee. Despite her orders, we continued to pull and lift with all our might.


"I want to help you more than anything, but first I need you to stand up!" Eren shouted, using all his strength to lift. His fingers were bruised and swollen from the effort. "Please listen to me, even if you get me out, my legs won't move because they are already crushed."

" There's no time, please!"

"Whatever, let me carry you!"

"Will you just shut up for me and listen to me for once in your life!"

" One thing I'm asking you."

" One."


I whirled around to face the approaching titan, straining to lift with all my might. "Mikasa, please! Make him stop!" Mrs. Jaeger pleaded through tears. "I... I can't!" Mikasa cried out in desperation.

Not this again.

 Not another flashback!

 First Mom, then Mrs. Ackerman, now Mrs. Jaeger... I can't bear it... I won't lose another! "Mrs. Jaeger, I can't lose you too!" I yelled, persisting in my efforts to pull her to safety.

"I can't do this again! I don't want to experience this over the third time! All I wanted was a family!" I said.

"Y/n, your only siblings are Eren and Mikasa. We'll guide you, okay? Just keep your head up, sweetie," Mrs. Jaeger said to me, smiling through her pain.

Mrs. Jaeger cried. She looked at all three of us pulling for dear life.

"Listen... You want all four of us to die?"

I heard the sound of ODM gear and turned to see Hannes approaching. "Hannes!" my mom exclaimed with relief. "Take the children and get them out of here!" she cried. Although hesitant, Hannes smiled and replied, "Carla, that's not our only option. I'm a trained soldier with the skills to defeat Titans and save lives."

He got up and tried to kill the titan. " No, wait! Hannes, please!"

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