The Court

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Thanks to the survey corps and the Garrison engineers' quick response, Wall Rose once again repelled the Titans' advance

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Thanks to the survey corps and the Garrison engineers' quick response, Wall Rose once again repelled the Titans' advance. 

In one day, they had to eradicate the Titans from the Trost District,  with the wall's fixed cannons firing everywhere. With high-explosive shells annihilated the majority of the Titans swarming the wall, including the survey corps eliminated that only a few are alive.

On the other hand, about 207 soldiers were killed or missing in action, and another 897 were injured severely. Repelling the Titans for the first time in history was a noteworthy feat, but was simply too far that many lives had been lost to allow for celebration.

 Repelling the Titans for the first time in history was a noteworthy feat, but was simply too far that many lives had been lost to allow for celebration

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It's only been a few hours after Eren blocked the hole in the Trost District

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It's only been a few hours after Eren blocked the hole in the Trost District. I know, all of this happened in a day. As soon as we got out of Trost, they demanded me to give them to Eren but it was ht best option, or else things could've gone a lot worse.

 Newspapers were around the town. There were whispers everywhere of Eren being a threat to humanity, while the other side thought Eren would be helpful to save humanity.

Mikasa and I walked toward the cafeteria, our footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. I glanced at Mikasa and noticed the unsettled look on her face. "Eren..." she whispered, her voice barely audible.

I thought about something that might brighten up the mood.

"I'm sure Eren's alright. It's probably just an interview," I suggested, hoping to lift her spirits.

As we entered the cafeteria and lined up for our meals, we spotted Armin sitting at a table. We joined him, and after a few minutes of conversation, Armin brought up a new topic. "Have you heard the news?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Mikasa and I exchanged a glance, curiosity piqued. "No, heard what?" I asked, my interest growing.

"The government is officially going to debate over Eren," Armin said, his tone serious.

Mikasa and I both stared at him, surprised by the news. "A debate over Eren? What for?" Mikasa asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"No clue, but I think it's about what they plan to do with him," Armin said, his eyes dropping to the table as he considered the weight of the situation.

"What do you mean?" I asked my voice tight with anxiety.

Armin took a deep breath, his gaze still fixed on the table. "My guess is they're going to decide whether he should live or die—"

Before he could finish, Mikasa sprang to her feet, her chair scraping loudly against the floor. She was struggling to process the news, her face pale with shock. I could feel the dread pooling in my stomach; the thought that they might decide to execute Eren was unbearable. 

I looked at Armin. He looked at me. 

'Nice way to boost her moods up.' I thought to myself.

'Maybe I shouldn't told her.' Armin thought.

"Are Armin Arlert, Y/n and Mikasa Ackerman here?!"

I turned behind seeing soldiers calling our names. " ir!" I said, getting the soldier's attention. " You are ordered to attend this afternoon's deliberation, as a witness!"

 " You are ordered to attend this afternoon's deliberation, as a witness!"

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You, Mikasa, and Armin were summoned to the courthouse. As you approached, Armin voiced your collective confusion. "Excuse me, why are we going to court?"

A cadet, who seemed impatient, turned to face you. "You're friends with that monster, aren't you?"

All three of you stared at the cadet, bewildered. "Monster? What are you talking about?" I asked, blinking in disbelief. Mikasa and Armin exchanged puzzled glances.

"The titan monster," the cadet clarified, his tone dismissive.

You, Mikasa, and Armin frowned deeply. "Eren isn't a monster! He saved Trost—" Mikasa began, but the soldier cut her off.

"Yeah, yeah. Best to save it for the court," he said, his voice final as he opened the heavy doors to the courthouse.

Inside, the room was crowded with cadets, citizens, and others. The atmosphere was tense, charged with whispers and uneasy glances. To your surprise, standing among the crowd was the man who had saved you from the titan not long ago. His presence was a rare beacon of familiarity in this sea of uncertainty.

Whispers were everywhere. The judge was on top of it all too. You saw Cadet Rico standing next to the Cadets. I looked at her and she looked at me.

But then she looks away.

"Alright, Court is now in session."

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