Wall Titan

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As I stood there

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As I stood there.

Staring next at the wall titan before me, feelings of awe and fear washed over me.

The sheer size of the titan was overwhelming, casting a gigantic shadow over the wall and me

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The sheer size of the titan was overwhelming, casting a gigantic shadow over the wall and me. I felt a sense of powerlessness as if this behemoth was an unstoppable force of nature. Its eyes drooped as if it had no meaning.

Mikasa and I knew we were under such overwhelming pressure just looking at it. God, we hope it was dead. I feel insignificant compared to such a powerful creature, and the thought of facing off against it is overwhelming. I can only stand there in awe and wonder at the power it has, and what it is capable of.

We both looked at each other, should we move? But if we move, what if it moves? Suddenly the eye moved slightly which immediately had sweat on our faces all over. It's alive! The wind blows as I slowly looked down, the soldiers were more terrified than we were.

I was left speechless, I.. obviously couldn't make a noise out of my mouth.

. . .

Mikasa's POV

What.. is a titan doing in the walls..? Don't tell me. there are more Titans in the walls?

I looked at Y/n who was exactly in a state of shock. Knowing her she probably won't even move for a while. But figuring out that the titan is alive...we need to get out of here. "Y/n... hey!" I shouted a little trying to wake her up. But it was no use, she's definitely in a state of shock.

"Hey!" Someone shouted.

I looked down to see Squad Leader Hange shouting to catch our attention. " Look, I know you both are as more shocked as we are but try going down carefully!" Hange shouted. I nodded but how will get Y/n to move down?

Should I go over it? Guess I have to just take the chance.

I carefully zipped to Y/n to make sure she was okay. " Y/n.. hey..?" I said looking at her. She slowly turned to me. Without thought, I placed my hand on her heart, and as expected, her heart was beating like crazy.

" Hey, it's okay.." I said confronting her. "I... wanna get down.." Y/n shivered. " Don't worry, we will."

. . .

Back at the town, I held Y/n till we made it to the ground with Eren and Armin

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Back at the town, I held Y/n till we made it to the ground with Eren and Armin. "We're in the ground, okay? Look." I spoke. I held her hand making her aware. She looked at the ground and rose up to see the other soldiers and Armin with Eren. "Phew, thank goodness," Y/n said relieved.

 "Phew, thank goodness," Y/n said relieved

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Moments after Eren defeated Annie, In the clinic Mikasa, Jean, and I waited for  Eren's recovery inside the room. Jean and the others tried so many ways to destroy the crystal unfortunately it was no use.

Just knowing another threat as soon we defeated one of the physical titans. I'm exhausted.

" Hey.." Mikasa said softly. The rest of us turned to see Eren awake. The wind blows in the room giving all of a breeze of comfort. " You feel okay?" Mikasa said. "Yeah, but it's weird how okay I feel after what happened," Eren said as he sat up. " Annie still stuck in that thing?" Eren said.

"Mhm," Mikasa said. "Damn, it... We got nothing from that massive operation!" Jean said clutching his shoulders. "She was willing to destroy everything to protect herself and the information," I said.

" I'm exhausted.." Armin said. " Tell me about it," Jean said. " I can't believe she got away from us," Armin said. " All thanks to you, Eren," Armin said turning to Eren. " You're right, I couldn't do it. I  looked at her face, and she was crying.." Eren said looking down.

" Either way, we know some little information that can help us right?" I said. All the others looked down losing hope. I can tell they were also eager but what else could we do?

Then, a cadet come forward and ordered Armin, Jean, and I for interrogation.

" Feel better okay Eren?" I looked at him starting to walk. " Yeah, I will thanks Y/n," Eren said grinning  a little. I nodded.

Just as we were walking to the investigation room, the sun lowered down shining on our faces. " I don't get it," Jean said. Armin and I turned to Jean, "Abandoning your humanity to overcome a monster. That's the only way to win?" Jean said.

" That's what I said, abandoning humanity is a little extreme but would it even work?" I said. " It has to be, it's only possible that humanity might defeat the Titan. I think Eren can do it." Armin said. "Tell me... Even if he did become that monster and destroyed all the Titans... would that really be a victory for humanity?" Jean questioned.

" It won't be easy, that's for sure."

Narrator's POV

The summons for Eren Jaeger and the Survey Corps was suspended indefinitely. The custody of Annie Leonhart was granted to the Survey Corps, who kept her deep underground.

However, it would still take much sacrifice and time before humanity learned what it was that held them captive.

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