Finale: The Unlikely Reunion

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Hey, wake up.

I opened my eyes open to see a room and lay on a comfy bed. I groaned a little and I saw multiple people walking towards me.

"She's awake! Get the doctor!" Someone called out.

" Y/n? Hey! It's Mikasa!" Mikasa called out. I felt a warm hand on my cheek and my eyes lighted up, to see my friends. "Mikasa.. It's you!" I said. I looked at everyone, it was Eren, Armin, Jean, Connie, Historia, and Sasha around me.

" All of you are alive, thank goodness," I said weakly, smiling. "As someone who is the youngest doesn't deserve to get through all of this," Jean said, cuffing his arms.

" What happened? My head hurts.." I said, trying to get up. But Mikasa pushed me back down, " Please, rest. You're head is still healing, it's surprising your leg is already healed after 3 days." Mikasa said. " Wait, how long have I been asleep?!" I said. " For three days... till now," Sasha said having a sweat drop.

I looked up to the ceiling, I laughed for a moment, " No wonder, I had a nice sleep." I grinned. I looked at everyone till I remembered before I passed out. " Mr. Hannes.." I mourned. " Wait, you knew?" Eren said walking to me.

" Yeah... I saw everything." I confessed. " But after Mr. Hannes' death, I passed out so I don't know anything after that," I explained. Then a door knock came on the door. Jean opened the door to reveal the doctor and Squad Leader Hange outside.

" Oh, squad leader! Good Morning Doctor. " Eren said surprised. " It's good that you're awake Y/n. Connie, let's go tell them about your mom." Hange said.

" Of course! See you Y/n!" Connie waved and left with Hange. " Thank you Squad Leader, see you later Connie," I said.

Jean, Eren, Connie, and Mikasa started to leave to leave me goodbyes and small hugs. Sasha was the last person to leave the room, " I.. wanted to bring you this." Sasha said, picking something in her pocket. She handed me an item that I hadn't seen in a while.

In her hand, she held a bubble gum pack. The gum Mr. Arlet gave me. " It's called Bubble Pop and it was a new invention and it was so good! If you swallow it, rumors say it leaves in the flavor and it's good for you!" Sasha exclaimed.

" Also, it trains your jaw. My theory!" Sasha smiled. " Where...did you get this?" I asked her. " Have you seen it before? It's not very well known in this town." Sasha questioned. " I.. recognize the logo... a family friend gave this to me when I was little," I said, opening my hand.

She handed me the gum. " Gosh, Sasha... You have no idea how long I haven't seen this." I smiled wide. I chewed the gum and it was exactly the flavor I had when I was little. It tasted like f/f just like it was.

Then I chewed it enough to make a bubble and it popped! " How... Did you do that?!" Sasha said, surprised.

" It's a skill I guess! Take practice and you get the hang of it!" I said, even though I learned it by taking gum for the first time.

Narrator's POV

The inhabitants of Wall Rose did as they were taught in the drills preparing them for a second wall breach. They evacuated to the old underground city inside the Wall of Sheena.

As was predicted, food supplies that were meant to feed those remaining over half of humanity wouldn't last more than a week. If Wall Rose was breached, Humanity would enjoy one more week of peace.

If they were forced past that, people would have to choose.
Starve and Die or Steal and live.

Surrender Everything, or throw it all away.


At night, a man comes out of the bar, tilting his hat, and looking at the sky.

He was holding the recent newspaper, then he rolled it up the paper, putting it into his bag.

"Ugh.. why is he there? Finally making known for himself isn't it?" The person said grumbling.

Hey, doesn't that mess up with your plan?

" 'Course it does. I shouldn't have taught him in the first place. Besides,

I have a goal to do."

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