The Horse

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As soon as we joined, training started

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As soon as we joined, training started.

It has been a month and a half since we joined the Survey Corps. We had to learn quickly because we needed to prepare for our 57th expedition outside the walls. 

We attended a class to learn about positions, the meaning of each color of the signal flare, and to receive our new horses.

He told us what they were meant for and happily let us find a horse that we could get along with. As I walk through each cage. I stood in front of the horse.

The horse looked at me.

I looked at the horse.

"Hey, girl.." I said slowly, raising my hand.

I've never seen a horse this close before and I've never even had my pet. Nor even if I tamed one before.

I slowly raised my hand trying to pet the horse. A slight touch on the horse's forehead and I felt a thump in my heart. The horse's eyes widened a little and hesitated but let me touch her forehead. 

I suddenly felt like the horse understood me like I knew I never got along with an animal before, but she wanted me to experience it.

" You understand me, do ya?" I whispered. " Alright, cadets! Lunchtime!" The Carrier said. " Looks like, I need to go but I'll see ya maybe once in a while," I said as I walked away.

As I was saying, it was focused less on actual combat and we focused more on having Commander Erwin's long-range scouting formation that we had to know. 

Even though we completely understood our situation, I couldn't find Eren's whereabouts anywhere. I think I know why. I trained with my horse for a few days, and she instantly took a liking to me.

 I felt like we were partners in crime. In addition to learning horse training, muscular and physical training, which was tough for other cadets, was easy for me.

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