Shooting Star

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(this song is great but it isn't involved in this chapter lol)

 (this song is great but it isn't involved in this chapter lol)

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The Female Titan era has begun.

Narrator's Pov:

Several days later, your ankle was still healing since the Regiment offered you crutches to make the ankle heal faster. Several Cadets couldn't even sleep because of what occurred during the expedition.

Armin and Mikasa visited you a couple of times to make sure you were okay but as soon as your ankle was getting better it was time to get to work. You couldn't do any combat, but Hanje wanted you to be with her just in case because she has an idea.

" Eren told me everything about your hunches and I think it would be a great advantage to our next mission. But we can't let you do any combat since your ankle is still healing."

Hanji said to you. " But just in case, with your permission can you tell me more of your hunches?" Hanji said, fixing her glasses.

You nodded and explained everything you know about your instincts. After explaining, you look up to Hanjie and you look at her with a surprised look. Hanji was grinning, " That isn't just an instinct Y/n.. that's a power!" Hanji said to you. " With your power, you could save everyone's life! And with that, we would be prepared for the worst!"Hanji said excitedly getting off of their chair.

" The four of you are the most interesting group I've ever seen!" Hanji exclaimed. " Is that so..?" I said. " Of course! Armin has the smarts, Eren has the titan power, and You and Mikasa both have extraordinary strength but you have a power too!" Hanji yelled.

" All of you are childhood friends, correct me if I'm wrong, Mikasa is your step-sister, yes?" Hanji asked." Yes, that's correct. But Mikasa isn't just my step sister, she's my sister." You stated. " I see, my apologies for not correcting myself," Hanji said. "It's alright..!" You said.

" I wanted to join them anyway because I don't want to be alone. Regardless of my age, that is." You confessed. Hanji quickly looked up at you, " Seriously? How old are you then? They are supposed to be 12 years old when they train. " I was 11 years old, but I faked my age to join. Right now I'm 14, while the rest are 15 and older!

" You're the youngest out of all the scout members, yet you're the #2 top fighters... Amazing.." Hanjie exclaimed, inspired as their eyes lit up. You were slightly flustered by how many compliments you were receiving.

" Thank you... I needed that!" You said with a big smile. " I'll let you go now, I was delighted to speak with you Y/n!" Hanjie said waving at you. You grab your crutches getting to the door. " You too! " You said smiling.

As you leave Hanji's office you smile wide, nobody has ever given you such compliments as your mom did.

I'm so proud of you, my shooting star.

- Mom

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