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this is a pretty long chapter, so take your time reading this :D

this is a pretty long chapter, so take your time reading this :D

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Y/n's POV

It's been at least two hours since we left Stohess District.

It was the darkest night and we had all of our eyes open. I didn't feel any danger so that was good. I've noticed that Hanji has been staring at the crystal since we left the wall.

"Hey, Four-Eyes. Are you a geologist or are rocks just that fascinating to you." Levi said, staring at Hanji. " It looks like you're about to drool," Levi said.

" What, this? This isn't even a rock. Not an ordinary away." Hanji said.

" It's not just an ordinary rock. It's a hardened piece of skin that was left behind by the Female Titan." Hanji started out.

All of us gasp a little bit while Armin lights up in realization. "It didn't vanish?!" Armin exclaimed. Hanji looked up at him as if he was thinking the same thing Hanji was thinking.

"No! This random fragment broke off when Annie reverted back to her human form! It didn't evaporate, it didn't simply go *poof*! Hanji expressed. "When I observed and compared it with the silver of the wall. Its texture and composition were all intent and purposes. Identical." Hanji exclaimed. " What I'm trying to say is, if my theory is correct, the surface was made of Titan skin." Hanji figured. "You're joking. That's exactly what Armin was trying to say!" I said surprised.

"So the--"

Before Armin could say anything, Hanji covered his mouth, shushing him up.

"Easy there Armin! It's quite rude to steal a person's thunder! All it needs is to just have the right shape and size, but we don't have any more details than that." Hange said, covering Armin's mouth.

" But on the other hand!" Armin and Hanji said at the same time.

"We can retrieve Wall Maria quicker than we should! Imagine Eren, achieving the hardening ability while in Titan Form!" Hanji said.

"I could... patch the hole," Eren said, coming to a realization. "It's used in the same material and the hardened wouldn't even disappear once you've transformed back! Thoughts?" Hanji implied.

" Then, I could use my danger sense to check if any threat comes in any way," I said. " It's the perfect combo.." Armin said.

"Anything worthwhile incurs a little risk, we don't know if the sense could even come up," Armin said. Armin ponders on his thinking, going deep into the retake of Rose.

"If we manage to retake Wall Rose, We can retake Wall Maria faster than we expected! The time and resources needed to move materials are massive. But, if the supply wagon doesn't have to be accommodated, we can go to Shiganshina much faster than it should be!" Armin said.

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