「 𝙸'𝚖 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 」

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Requested by Tealunininten10

Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Moon of Hope and the Sun of Despair

{ Syobai Hashimoto × Female! Reader }
{ Fluff }

Spoilers to the Prologue of SDRA2
Stabbing + Death


(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(U/T) - Ultimate Talent


Author's Notes:

Sorry that this too so long to create but this scenario really intrigued me but I needed to do some character study on Syobai so I rewatched Weeby's SDRA2 Streams along his FTE. Despite that I wasn't very confident with his characterization, so apologies if he seems OOC.

(Y/N) is gonna be a bit mean and probably cocky in this one. I had fun writing her hehe~ (She's intended to be the opposite of Syobai)

I hope you enjoy!


"Ultimate Broker huh? What are you, broke 24/7???" (Y/N) stated with a smirk, no one could tell if the tone of her voice was meant to be more playful, teasing or just downright mean. "Ultimate Broker???" Yuki repeated, confused. "Don't you know how to keep your mouth shut, lady? You may have been able to buy off my personal info but that doesn't mean you can say it out loud." The grey-haired guy who didn't look remotely like a high schooler said with annoyance.

"Why do you mean 'buy off your personal info'?" Sora asked. "A person's name is worth more than you think. Your name represents everything that you are. This lady was just lucky to get that information, because she just won't shut up."

"Not my fault you were unwilling to share yours when I said mine. Can't believe I had to pay you a million yen just for something like that." (Y/N) scoffed. "A-A million yen!?" Yuki exclaimed. The broker glares at (Y/N), "What's done is done, you got what you wanted in the end." he turns to Yuki and Sora "There's no point wasting time on someone who doesn't value that. If you're not up for that, scram."

"Hey!" Yuki tries calling out to him but the broker ignores him. "Aaaaand he's gone..." he lets out a sigh. "That guy's really annoying...I wanna bother him some more." (Y/N) lets out a mischievous smile. "Before that...who are you?" Sora asks. "(Y/N) (L/N), Ultimate (U/T)."

"Sorry if this seems rude to ask but...How did you even have a million yen on-hand?" Yuki asked. "Ehhh??? You're not gonna even ask about my achievements!? How good-looking I am!? How big my boobs are!?"

"That's um..." Yuki's ears turned a bit red. "Just kidding! It's a secret! Now...where's that damn broker..." (Y/N) runs off to the direction where Syobai went, the trail of sand helping her find him.

Once she spotted him, (Y/N) leaps onto him and wraps her arms around him "Syo-Syo!!!" She says in a sing-song voice.

"Gh! Calm down will you, you're gonna make me choke." Syobai says lightheartedly. "Sorry, sorry! I just wanted to hug you the moment we woke up on this island. I was really scared..." (Y/N) stated. "I get that but you know we can't do stuff like this out in the open." "I know I know...You don't have to remind me."

Syobai checks the surroundings, "Looks like no one's around for now. So...Did those kids ask about the million yen deal?"

"Of course they did!" (Y/N) exclaimed.
"Did they believe you??" Syobai asks with a teasing smile.
"Y'know I don't have that kind of money! I'm terrible with that sort of stuff...this is why I let you deal with all of the money shtuffs." (Y/N) grumbles the last part.

Footsteps and chattering could be heard nearby. "Let's talk more later." "Mhm."

[ That Evening ]

'A killing game...a FUCKING killing game! This has to be a joke, there's no way-' (Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted when 2 unfamiliar people appeared. The red-haired lady was burned to death while the green-haired man was blasted off to...somewhere unknown. All (Y/N) was able to do is to stare where the unfamiliar woman's ashes laid. She didn't even notice Syobai lunging over to Yuki with a knife. It was only when she heard Sora's body falling over, she was able to snap herself out of her thoughts.

"What the fuck!?" A voice cries out. "Shit...that wasn't supposed to happen." Syobai muttered. "Mr. Hashimoto! This kind of violence isn't welcome in a school environment!" Monocrow exclaimed. "Goodness gracious..."

"Is there anywhere we can heal her...?" Iroha asked. "The Monocruise has an infirmary, usually I would open it later but as this is an emergency I'll open the doors!" Monocrow stated.

'Ugh, what a pain...' Syobai clicked his tongue before turning to (Y/N) "Hey missy! Mind helping me carry her? I don't want to get any blood on me."

"Why the hell should I help you!? You just attempted murder for fucks sake!" (Y/N) exclaimed, but Syobai sent her a look that meant 'We need to talk in private.'

"Tch. Fine. You owe me something though!"

[ Monocruise Infirmary ]

Once the two managed to keep everyone out of the infirmary, Syobai got started on patching up Sora while (Y/N) helped bring stuff over. "There's something up with this place, but I can't put my finger on it." He said. "Of course something's up! We were kidnapped and taken to this place only to be told to kill each other." She exclaimed.

"But why us specifically?"

"We've got a strange group of people, all of us Ultimates nonetheless. But your talent was faked, the Masterminds should know this and yet..." Syobai pauses, deep in thought. "And yet..?" (Y/N) echoes. "I don't have enough information to make a conclusion about this place. For now, let's be on our guard. And we should be careful what we say." Syobai gestures to one of the cameras. (Y/N) nods in understanding.

"Okay, she's patched up now. The others are gonna be waiting so we should leave." He heads over towards the door. "Actually..!" (Y/N) calls out to him. "Hm?" "Can I get the usual service...please?"

Syobai closes his eyes, deep in thought "8500 yen."
"EHHH!?!? Why so expensive!!!"
"If that's expensive for you I have no idea how you're gonna survive without me."

The two then leave the infirmary. "Is she okay?" Yuki asked. "The stab wasn't that deep so she'll be fine after a few days." Syobai replied. "He didn't do anything to her...right?" Yoruko asked (Y/N). "Nope, he patched her up. That's it." She stated. Yoruko let's out a sigh of relief.

"I'm gonna head to bed. This day's been a wild ride for me." Syobai says with a yawn. "Says you!" Yoruko huffs. "I'll get going now too, see ya."

(Y/N) then heads to her room, Syobai was already waiting inside. "Huh...my room's actually kinda plain." She says as she hops onto the bed. "Of course it's plain." Syobai chuckles as he takes off his necktie and lies down on the bed.

The two stay in comfortable silence as the two huddle close. "I'm scared..." (Y/N) says. "Of course you are..."

Silence again...

"If you want I can lend you my knife for self-defense." Syobai turns to face (Y/N) only to find them already asleep. A smile creeps up to his face, "You always fall asleep so easily."


Author's Note:
I surprisingly had fun writing this!

I hope you enjoyed!


Published on June 17, 2022

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