「 ゆえに 」

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Requested by YukinoHanaNana017

Danganronpa Re:Birth
(Miwashiba Version)

{ Ayumu Fujimori x Seishi Yodogawa / Zen Katagiri }

{ Inspired by the video above (I replaced Narumi with Kazuomi) }

{ Killing Game AU }
{ Angst }

Spoilers to the Fanon (April Fools) Game


Author's Note:
All art and videos here are NOT mine!

This is the 2nd part of "ユーエンミー"

This will all be in Zen/Seishi's POV

The Title is the Hiragana of the word "Therefore"

This is short because I wanted to keep both Ayumu and Seishi's POV separate


[ The Next Day ]

I woke up a bit earlier than the morning announcement, like usual. Ever since I told everyone that I came to kill Mr. Fujimori, I feel like...a part of me regrets it. In a way that I want to protect him.

I pushed that thought away and went to the dining hall seeing only Mr. Tsuchiya there, which is weird because he's usually the last one here. "Mr. Tsuchiya, what are you doing here so early?" I asked "What do you mean? It's like an hour past the morning announcement" He replied.

The moment he said that, I knew something was wrong. "Where are the others?" I asked "Dunno. They weren't here when I arrived" He replied. Then we heard a scream from upstairs. Then, the monitor turned on...

"Ding Dong! Bing Bong! A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time passed, the class trial will begin! Please head to the 3rd floor" Monodora announced. Both me and Mr. Tsuchiya went to the third floor seeing Ms. Itsuki, Ms. Todoroki and Ms. Osone around...Mr. Fujimori's Body?

"It's definitely one of the boys! The girls had a sleepover last night!" Ms. Osone exclaimed pointing to the two of us. "Hold on, we need to investigate first before we jump into conclusions" Ms. Itsuki said.

[ Class Trial ; Case 5 ]

"The culprit is you, Seishi Yodogawa! Or rather...Zen Katagiri, the Ultimate Hitman!" Ms. Itsuki exclaimed. I didn't understand this. Mr. Fujimori would NEVER leave his door open, especially after I revealed my true identity.

"H-Hold on, I didn't do it!" I exclaimed "Yeah right. Besides, your not the only one who's here because of Ayumu" Ms. Itsuki said. I had no idea what was going on. "I'm Mikoto Itsuki, the Ultimate Spy. I came because I was assigned to spy on you Zen Katagiri" Ms. Itsuki added.

Everything went by so fast that I forgot to vote. "Whoopsies! Zen Katagiri forgot to vote! But you all are correct, Zen Katagiri killed Ayumu Fujimori!" Monodora announced "I'm so sorry Ayumu..." I muttered before I was dragged into execution.


Published on August 3, 2019

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