「 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚜: 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 」

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Requested by ZAWWE_TheWriter

Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Moon of Hope and the Sun of Despair

{ Emma Magorobi × Female! Reader }
{ Fluff }


(Y/N) - Your Name


Author's Notes:
The title is based on one of Deco*27's song in the Mannequin Album
It has no relation to the song at all but the title fits hehe (I will say that it's my fav song in the entire album so give it a listen)


It was July 2, Emma's birthday and naturally as the famous Ultimate Actress she had a very fancy party with her producers, staff, managers and co-workers.

Of course, she wanted to celebrate with her friends too, which is why on the 3rd of July, she hosted a party in the comfort of her own home.

"Happy Birthday Emma!!!" Everyone cheered as she walked down the stairs. "Aww...thank you everyone!" She said with a smile.

And just like that, the party began.

It was nice for her to just relax amongst her friends, just chatting and having fun. But of course, the party has to come to an end. Everyone went home, the maids and butlers started cleaning up but there was one person who didn't leave yet.

Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder, "Pst. Emma, I have a surprise for you." (Y/N) whispered to her ear. "Huh? Wait, (Y/N)!?" Emma was suddenly dragged by her closest friend upstairs. But then (Y/N) covered her eyes. "No peeking!" She exclaimed.

Emma was confused but also curious, so she let her lead the way. Once they finally came to a stop, (Y/N) took her hands off of her. Emma slowly opened her eyes and saw that, under the beautiful night sky, there was a table set up with a candle in the middle and two seats.

"Wait here." (Y/N) quickly ran off to get something so Emma just took her seat. After a while, (Y/N) returned with a small cake while singing, "Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday to you!"

Emma could only gasp in shock, speechless. "Th-Thank you (Y/N)!" 

"You're welcome Emma!" (Y/N) placed the plate in the center of the table, and then she took her seat. "I don't mean to come off as rude but...why did you set this all up?" Emma asked.

"Well it's because..." (Y/N) averted her gaze for a moment before looking at Emma in the eyes. "I love you...as more than a friend. I want to be your girlfriend. I want to be with you in your happiest and worst moments. That's why I did all of this on your special day!"

Once again, Emma is speechless. "(Y/N)..."

(Y/N) already poured her feelings to her so she could only pray that she understood.

Emma lets out a deep breath "Whenever I see you after work all of the sudden my stress goes away. You laugh at my puns when the others would just groan...not that it's a bad thing ahaha..." she clears her throat, "What I am trying to say is that...I feel the same way!"

"So we're girlfriends?"


Author's Note:
I just realized that this is similar to "Enchanting Dinner Date", I hope it's at least different enough!

This will be the last SDRA2 Oneshot because I just realized that I made a lot of them back then so I removed it from the list.

Please give me requests for the other 2 remaining fangans on the list because I think they need some love.


Published on March 17, 2023

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