「 𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝚂𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚢, 𝙱𝚒𝚐 𝚂𝚒𝚜 」

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Author's Note:
Part 2 of
Music Jokes
This wasn't requested but this idea popped up in my head and I asked permission

I'm also using this as practice for angst and murder since I'm making my own Fanganronpa


Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Sun of Hope and the Moon of Despair

{ Kanade Otonokoji x Male! Reader }
{ Killing Game AU }
{ Angst }

Murder / Betrayal


(Y/N) - Your Name
(N/N) - Nickname (from Setsuka)
(U/T) Ultimate Talent


Short Explanation:
In this Killing Game AU, Kanade isn't super obsessed with her sister. She just wants some love from her since she's her only family left.

But after Hibiki hurt her, Kanade felt unloved. But after (Y/N) helped her recover. She needed some revenge


Hibiki Otonokoji
Kanade...I'm so sorry for what happened a few days ago!
Do you forgive me?

Kanade Otonokoji
Of course, Big Sis!
Let's just have a drink and talk in the dining hall for a bit

Hibiki Otonokoji

[ Hibiki Otonokoji has left the chat room ]
[ Kanade Otonokoji has left the chat room ]


[ Nighttime ; Library ]

It was past the nighttime announcement; everyone was already asleep but (Y/N) decided to investigate more about the island an since the Monocruise doors are locked, he researched in the Library.

"KYAAAA!!!!" He heard a loud scream coming from the Dining Hall and saw Kanade and an unconscious Hibiki. "Kanade, what happened?" He asked. "Hibiki invited me to come to the dining hall and...and...Look" she pointed towards Hibiki's body "Someone's planning a murder!" She exclaimed.

"Calm down Kanade, let's just take her to the infirmary so that she could rest" (Y/N) said. Kanade nodded as he picked Hibiki bridal-style.

[ Infirmary ]

After (Y/N) placed Hibiki on one of the beds Kanade immediately took something out of one of her pockets. "Okay Kanade, she should just be fine by now--MPH!!!" Kanade placed a cloth filled with chloroform and placed it on (Y/N)'s mouth and nose.

He continued to struggle but Kanade still held a tight grip. After 5 minutes, (Y/N) was officially unconscious. "It's a good thing I covered up majority of the cameras on the way here" Kanade muttered and dragged (Y/N) to her room, tying him up and locking him in the closet.

"If I'm gonna win this trial, I'll make sure you won't get executed" After Kanade locked the closet she puts her murder plan into action.

[ The Next Day ]

Everyone was gathered in the dining hall but something feels...off. "Guys? Where's (Y/N) and the twins?" Teruya asked suddenly they heard a bunch of footsteps rushing down "Where's big sis!?" Kanade yelled.

Everyone went around the Monocruise until...
"A Body has been discovered!!!"

Everyone immediately rushed to the Infirmary. "What happened?" Sora asked Iroha, Kanade and Setsuka "We were together investigating until Iroha found Hibiki's body" Setsuka replied. "Big sis...is dead..." Kanade muttered.

[ After the investigation ]

"So let me explain the basic rules of the trial..."
"HOLD ON!!! We can't start if (Y/N) is not here!" Shinji yelled "Yeah! Finding (Y/N) should be our top priority!" Yoruko yelled.

"Monocrow, do you know where (Y/N) may be?" Mikado yelled "I'm afraid not. The culprit is very smart to cover majority of the cameras in the Monocruise" Monocrow replied.

"So not even Monocrow knows where (N/N) is..." Setsuka muttered "W-Why don't we just figure out who the culprit is since they must be the one who kidnapped (Y-Y/N)!" Kanade suggested.

[ After the Trial ]

There just aren't any clues anymore. Everyone doesn't have an alibi on who's the culprit "Well, that just leaves one thing. The culprit is (Y/N)" Mikado said "WHAT!?!" Everyone yelled.

"Think about it. Maybe our assumption of (Y/N) being kidnapped is wrong, what if he's just hiding from us?" Mikado stated "That can't be! We have no proof if what you're saying is true or not!" Teruya yelled.

"Time is running out, you better come to a conclusion before voting time..." Monocrow said. Sora decides to follow Mikado's lead and explain what happened.

Everyone voted for Y/N even if he's not her but...they were wrong.

"Eh!? I thought we got it right!" Iroha exclaimed "Well, then who is the culprit?" Mikado asked "I...finally did it...I FINALLY DID IT!!!" Kanade yelled.

"Kanade...What happened to you? Why did you murder Hibiki!?" Yuki asked "She didn't love me back, so I decided to give her a taste of what she did to me" Kanade replied "Where's (Y/N)?!" Teruya asked "I kidnapped him and hid him so Monocrow can't execute him. Besides, you're all about to die and only me and (Y/N) will be left standing!" Kanade said.

After everyone got executed she asked Monocrow "Is it okay if (Y/N) doesn't get executed if I let him out?" "He didn't participate in the trial and possibly had no idea so I have no need to"

Kanade left the Courtroom and went back to her room "I wonder how should I play with you?"


Author's Note:
Like I said, this was for some practice and it was a bit rushed

Overall, I hope you like it!


Published on June 25, 2019

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