「 自傷 無色 」

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Requested by HyperCartoonFan20

This is a Danganronpa Oneshot
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair

{ Mikan Tsumiki × Reserve Course! Suicidal! Male! Reader }
{ Songfic: 自傷 無色 (Jishou Mushoku) }
{ Pre-Killing Game AU }
{ Angst Fluff }

Spoilers for Danganronpa 3: End of Hope's Peak Academy ; Despair Arc
Reference to Twilight Syndrome Murder Case


(Y/N) - Your Name

(L/N) - Last Name


Author's Note:
This is my first Songfic and this is a really good song to listen to! I'm not that good at writing Songfics (because I never wrote one)...

I didn't put the lyrics since it was better for me to listen to the song while writing this because it was much easier to understand it.

Anyway, I hope you like it!


"(Y/N)...!" Mikan called from outside his classroom "Hey Mikan. What's up?" (Y/N) asked. "I j-just wanted t-to hang o-out with y-you! Ah! Th-That probably s-sounded weird...I-I'll take y-your punishment!" Mikan said embarrassed.

"Mikan...I would love to hang out with you!" (Y/N) replied "R-Really...? Th-Then I must go prepare! I'll be right back!" "Wait! Mikan! You don't have to!" Mikan ran off while (Y/N) chased after her.

They then bump into Akane who was covered in blood and sweat "UWAAAH! A-Akane...?! Wh-What happened to you?! W-We need to I-immediately treat your wounds!" Mikan said while dragging her to the Nurse's Office.

'Mikan is so thoughtful to help other people as a nurse...I want to be like her' "(Y-Y/N)? D-Do you want to c-come with us?" Mikan asked "Nah, I can wait" (Y/N) replied since Reserve Course students aren't allowed inside the Main Course Campus.

Ever since Mikan and I met, I always acted the person she really thinks that I am. A person who always forgave her, no matter what. I made her dream come true but...Is that person really who I am? I never had a dream that I wanted to achieve. I guess it's best for me to die and soon...

"S-Sorry that I'm late!!!" Mikan said cutting (Y/N)'s thoughts. Mikan gave him a piece of paper that had a letter of permission "I-I asked the headmaster if I could get p-permission to let you in a-and he gave me this. P-Please don't lose it..." She added. "I won't" (Y/N) replied.

[ Main Course Building ; Class 77B ]

(Y/N) just entered the classroom and it was chaos. Akane and Nekomaru sparring, Kazuichi trying to fix the class room and Chiaki and Ryota doing their own thing.

"Hey pig barf! Why are you letting this nasty Reserve Course boy in our classroom? Surely you don't want me to bop both of your heads!" Hiyoko yelled "I-I'm sorry!" Mikan cried "That's not a nice thing to say especially from an Ultimate like you!" (Y/N) said trying to calm down the situation.

"WAAAAAAAAAH!!!! Mahiru! Someone is making fun of me!" Hiyoko cried while heading to Mahiru. 'Great, I made two people cry and ruined everything...'

'No one even wanted me here and no one even needs me. If only I could live in a world where there are no problems...' (Y/N) thought as he was about to turn to leave.

"I-I'm so sorry (Y/N)! I j-just wanted to introduce my c-classmates to you!" Mikan said "I-It's fine...I'll just head home. It's getting late" (Y/N) said as he left the classroom. "Finally! That shit is gone!" Hiyoko let out a grin once (Y/N) was out of sight. Mahiru was relieved that Hiyoko stopped yelling and being mean for the rest of the day.

When (Y/N) arrived at his apartment he immediately went to the bathroom. "If only they would stop being mean to the Reserve Course students..." He muttered as he made another cut on his arm.

"Everyday is just the same day. Maybe...I should disappear from this world. I'm just a nobody in this miserable world" (Y/N) said to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

[ Tragedy ]

After finding out that the money that all the Reserve Course paid was actually for the Kamakura Project, they all but one fell to their death. (Y/N) wasn't present at the time so in his mind, he missed his chance.

After what happened to Mikan, he broke. He pretended to be whatever she wanted him to be and yet it wasn't enough. So he stayed by her side as despair spread all over the world. He fell into despair.

(Y/N) was rescued by the Future Foundation and they asked him to participate to remove the despair from the Remnants of Despair so that he could monitor on everyone. After several weeks he doesn't believe that they'll wake up.

On the third Class Trial, he heard about Mikan's beloved. About how her beloved was the only one who accepted her, the only one who forgave her...The only one who made her happy. The only one who would even die for her. Which made a memory came back to (Y/N)'s mind.

[ Flashback ]

"Ibuki wants invite you three to eat lunch on the roof! You know...the one in the Reserve Course building, I heard it's pretty up there!" Ibuki exclaimed to Mikan, Hiyoko and Mahiru. "We're all free today, so I guess we don't mind" Mahiru replied.

Mikan was the first one to arrive at the rooftop since she doesn't want to be late. But then she saw (Y/N) near the edge of the roof. "(Y-Y/N)...? Do you want to eat with us?" Mikan asked but he didn't reply "(Y-Y/N)?" Mikan called.

(Y/N) jumped of the roof "(Y-Y/N)!?!?" Mikan exclaimed dropper her things and ran towards him and grabbed his hand.

"Ew! Mikan, what are you doing? Making a fan service moment!?" Hiyoko teased "A-A little h-help here...!" Mikan exclaimed "What is going on—!?! MIKAN!" Mahiru immediately rushed to Mikan and helped her up. "Ugh, since Mahiru is helping I guess I'll help too" Hiyoko groaned.

"A-blub-blub-blub-blub! Someone almost died here!" Ibuki exclaimed as she entered the roof. All three girls panted while (Y/N) silently laughed to himself "This isn't what I expected..." He muttered.


Author's Note:
I got so into the song that I kinda made this 1000+ Words! I tried to stick with the lyrics while adding my own twist and it was quite risky...

I hope you like it!


Published on July 7, 2019

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