「 心 ♡ 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 」

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Requested by nastumii

Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Sun of Hope and the Moon of Despair

{ Kokoro Mitsume x Ultimate Arcade Gamer! Gender-Neutral! Reader }
{ Reader and Kokoro are dating }
{ Non-Killing Game AU }
{ Fluff }

References to Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy Despair Arc


(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(S/O) - Significant Other
(C/S) - Class Subject


Author's Note:
I wasn't able to think of a title so I just put Kokoro in Kanji and placed it beside a heart and wrote Game

I hope you like it!


"First day at Hope's Peak..." (Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Arcade Gamer muttered to themself as they looked at themself in the mirror "(Y/N), we need to go. We don't wanna be late, do we?" Kokoro said as she entered the room checking on her (s/o).

[ After Entering Hope's Peak ]

After finding their way to the classroom, Kokoro said that she'll head to the restroom first and let (Y/N) go ahead.

[You know something bad is gonna happen if they're going to the restroom in DR...]

(Y/N) felt anxiety immediately when they entered her classroom. It was chaos. They didn't even know what to do but just stood at the doorway, mouth agape at how chaotic her class is.

"Move" "Wh-What?" (Y/N) whimpered seeing a guy with grey-ish hair in front of them "I said move" he pushed them out the way which caused (Y/N) to fall down and tear up a bit.

"I'm back-(Y/N)? What happened?" Kokoro asked. She wasn't the greatest at comforting even though she's the Ultimate Psychologist. "*hic* My c-classmates *hic* hate me...*sniff* *sniff*" They replied.

"It's gonna be okay. Let's just ignore them for now" Kokoro said as she helped (Y/N) up and into the classroom.

[ Later ]

During Lunch, someone wanted to sit with (Y/N) and Kokoro even though they're upperclassmen "Hello, I'm Chiaki Nanami. Can I sit with you guys?" She asked.

"U-Um...Okay" They replied. "I'm Kokoro Mitsume, Ultimate Psychologist" Kokoro introduced herself "And I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N), U-Ultimate Arcade Gamer! I enjoy any kind of Arcade game...especially DDR and Shooter Games" (Y/N) added.

"Oh, what a coincidence; I'm the Ultimate Gamer. Video Games are my hobby and I'm a fan of all genres." Chiaki said "Do you wanna hang out in the arcade sometime?" She asked.

(Y/N) took a glance at Kokoro and she nodded "O-Of course! We could probably do some DDR" (Y/N) Replied. The trio talked about some random topics (mostly games) until Lunch was over.

Unfortunately, (Y/N) left their (C/S) notebook in their Homeroom Classroom so they let Kokoro go ahead. After (Y/N) got their notebook, they bumped into the one and only....Junko Enoshima.

"Huh? What's this? A newbie lost?" Junko asked in her cutesy-tone "N-No! I-I'm fine! J-Just heading to class..." (Y/N) tried to leave but Mukuro blocked their way.

"You seem interesting...I wanna try something on ya!" Junko said as she dragged both Mukuro and (Y/N) to an empty classroom. Junko then took out her phone and played a video to (Y/N).

(Y/N) tried to look away but Mukuro kept her steady "Like what you see?" Junko asked "N-No... Make it stop... MAKE IT STOP!!!" (Y/N) yelled but no one heard her.

No one came to help (Y/N), no one heard her, all she felt was despair after the video ended. "This is fun! Maybe we should do this another time!" Junko said but (Y/N) didn't care.

During (N/S), Kokoro noticed that (Y/N) was missing and since classes aren't mandatory for the students; the teacher and Kokoro's classmates didn't care. Heck, 6 other people in her class is missing.

[I'll give you a cookie if you can find out who are those 6]

Once (c/s) was over, Kokoro decided to skip classes and look for (Y/N). She looked around the entire school and found them in an empty classroom.

"(Y/N), where were you? I was worried" Kokoro said "Do you hate me Kokoro?" (Y/N) suddenly asked in tears. Kokoro was surprised at what she said "Of course I don't. Did something happen?" She asked, (Y/N)nodded as they continued crying.

"Hey, it's okay. After school, lets go to the park at the same spot, okay?" Kokoro said as she helped (Y/N) stop crying.

[ Nighttime ]

It took some time for (Y/N) to recover from the incident with Junko. Kokoro already went to the park giving some time for (Y/N). Once they have fully recovered, they left the house and went directly to the park.

Once (Y/N) arrived at the park, she saw Kokoro in the same place where they confessed to her. Kokoro noticed them and gave a small smile signaling to 'come here'.

(Y/N) went to Kokoro as they had a small chat. "(Y/N) if you're ever upset just talk to me. It's my job as the Ultimate Psychologist" Kokoro said.


Author's Note:
I'm so sorry for not publishing for a while! I had writer's block and this wasn't the best since I wrote this having Writer's Block

I might some back to this and change the plot a bit but I got lazy so...um...

Overall, I hope you like it!


Published on July 7, 2019

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