「 𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝙸 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚋𝚢 𝙲𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚍'𝚜 𝙰𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚠 」

517 3 3

Requested by Valora_Pandora

Project: Eden's Garden

{ Desmond Hall × Female! Reader (Grace's Sister) }
{ 2nd POV }
{ Fluff }

Spoilers to the Prologue
Reader is a Victim of Bullying


(Y/N) - Your Name
(U/T) - Ultimate Talent


Author's Notes:
First Eden's Garden Request woop woop!!!
Desmond might be OOC because only the prologue is released as of writing.

I tried my best with the scenario you gave me so I went with a "love at first sight" kind of scenario


(Y/N) woke up laying on the soft grass, her eyes looking up to the sky. But the sky looks weird...like...it's distorted or something. Or maybe she was still tired and couldn't tell the difference between dream and reality yet.

"Hey. You okay?" A guy looks down upon you. His sudden appearance startles you as you hastily get up. "I-I'm fine! I think..." you muttered, dusting the dirt off your outfit.

The guy takes a step closer. You take a step back. He goes closer, as if reaching out for something. You take a big step back.

"Hey, I just want to check your injury." He says reffering to your bandaged arm. "Oh um...I've had this for a while. No need to worry. Um..." You didn't know his name. "What's your name?"

"Right, sorry about that. I'm Desmond Hall, Ultimate Marksman. You?"

"(Y/N) Madison, Ultimate (U/T)..."

Now that introductions are done, there was a very awkward silence between the two of you. "Um...what does a marksman do?" You didn't mean to seem rude but you genuinely didn't know what his talent refers to.

"You could say that I'm good with ranged weapons. Always hitting my target." He explained. "R-Right..." You take a few small steps away from him. "You never killed anyone...have you?" You muttered, hints of panic and worry on your face. "What!? Never! I only ever practice on stationary targets." Desmond exclaimed. You sighed in relief until suddenly...

"HEY!!! What are you doing with my Lil' Sis!?" A familiar voice rings throughout the...room?

"G-Grace! I-" You were surprised that your older sister suddenly showed up. Grace steps in the gap you created between yourself and Desmond. "Listen I know we just met but if you ever dare try to do ANYTHING to (Y/N), you're dead." She said with a glare.

"W-Wait...I don't think you have to say that. Ahahaha..." You try to lighten the situation and it somewhat worked. Grace let out a sigh, "You're lucky I love you. Once you two are done talking, come explore with me. You worried me sick and I don't want to lose you in this hell of a place."

"Okay..." You gave a nod to her. Grace the regrouped with her friends(?), though she still had an eye on you.

"Sorry about that...She sometimes talks without thinking but she has a good heart!" You explained. "It's fine. I just wasn't expecting that." Desmond was oddly calm about this but it wasn't a bad thing. In fact his calm and relaxed aura is kind of charming in a way.

"W-Well, I'll be going now. See you later Desmond." You run off to join up with Grace. 'Holy shit I think I have a crush!'


Author's Note:
It's past midnight...idk what I am running on to finish this.
I think I could have paced this better but I tried my best with the very VERY little info we have.

Oh yeah! Updated the amount of request slots to 20 cause I thought it would be a good idea to end this book with a total of 50 oneshots (this is the 34th ehe~☆)


Published on March 18, 2023

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