「 𝙴𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎 」

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Requested by heyitsdva

Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Moon of Hope and the Sun of Despair

{ Emma Magorobi × Ultimate Assistant! Female! Reader }
{ Reader and Emma are Dating }
{ Non-Killing Game AU }
{ Fluff }

Spoilers to SDRA2


(Y/N) - Your Name
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(S/F/C) - Second Favorite Color
(F/F) - Favorite Food
(F/D) - Favorite Drink


Author's Note:
This is my first Female x F so...I tried my best


"CUT!!! That is all for today, see you again tomorrow" The director then left the studio.

Emma was a bit exhausted due to her job, but she was excited as well, because she's gonna give (Y/N) a surprise dinner date.

"Emma! Stop messing around! You have a Void meeting today, remember?" (Y/N) puffed out her cheeks knowing how many times Emma skipped Void Meeting.

"Oh my, I guess I won't be attending" Emma giggled keeping a soft smile.

"W-What!? Emma, as your assistant and girlfriend, I advise you to go to the meeting since you have missed several already." (Y/N) huffed.

"(Y/N), we haven't had our first date right?" Emma asked, out of the blue.

"Um...Yeah. I'm just an assistant helping you so why do you ask?" (Y/N) was a bit flustered due to the sudden question.

"Oh, it's nothing! I just have a surprise for you" Emma giggled "H-Huh?" (Y/N) stuttered, obviously confused.

Emma went to get one of the paper bags she brought with her "Here" Emma said giving (Y/N) the bag.

"What's this?" She asked "Oh, you'll see! Wait for me outside" Emma said heading to the dressing room.

(Y/N) stood there confused, but she opened the bag and saw an (F/C) colored dress and (S/F/C) heels in the bag along with some jewelry.

Emma knew that (Y/N) hates heels and dresses so why did she buy her these? Nevertheless, she went to the Girl's Room and changed.

When she left the room, she had a bit of trouble walking due to the heels, but she got the hang of it.

Emma was standing outside staring at the sky wearing an elegant blue dress with white heels and gold jewelry along with her hair tied into a low pony tail.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Sorry for letting you wear heels, I just wanted this to be special" Emma smiled, signaling that she was giving hints.

But Y/N still didn't know what was going on but noticed that a limo was there waiting for them "Hm? Aren't you coming?" Emma asked noticed (Y/N) still standing. (Y/N) hurriedly went inside the limo and they went to a fancy restaurant.

[ Meanwhile... ]

"Emma's not here, again?" Hajime complained "I-I'm sure it was only because of work!" Iroha tried to reassure them.

"Nah, she said that her work ends at 4" Nikei corrected "Mikado's gonna get mad..." Iroha muttered.

"OH MY GOD! Why is there always a Void member absent when I need them? Last time it was you Nikei!" Mikado pointed towards him. "Why me? I didn't do anything, you bastard!" Nikei yelled back.

"You missed the summer trip, me and Setsuka planned!"
"You did that? Why didn't you tell me!?"

"This is gonna take a while..." Hajime muttered, while Iroha nodded. As the two males began to fight.

[ Later ]

They stopped at a fancy restaurant where Emma chose for the date. As they took their seats, (Y/N) finally realized that they're having their first date. "(Y/N)? Aren't you gonna order?" Emma asked.

"Yeah. Um...one (F/F) with (F/F), please" (Y/N) said to the waiter. The waiter nodded and left, leaving them in silence.

"So you just noticed, (Y/N)?" Emma said trying to cut off the silence "Y-Yeah...You did all this for me, why?" (Y/N) asked.

"I've noticed how hard you've been working ever since we first met. We've started dating but never had our first date so I thought that this would be a thank you" Emma said with a small blush.

"I'm just the Ultimate Assistant so I'm just doing my job" (Y/N) said, a bit flustered. "No, you're not JUST the Ultimate Assistant. You are also the best girlfriend I could ever dream of!" Emma exclaimed.

Both of them were in silence again, but the silence was a romantic one and as they were about to kiss...

"LATEST SCOOP!!! (Y/N) and Emma are late to a Void meeting due to a dinner date!" Nikei yelled but not loud enough that the other customers could hear. "FUCK YOU NIKEI!!! You ruined it!" (Y/N) yelled "H-How did you get here?" Emma stuttered due to the shock.

"MAGIC!!!" Nikei exclaimed. (Y/N) and Emma knew exactly who would do this and when they went back to school, (Y/N) immediately ran to...



Author's Note:
I'm surprised that I enjoyed writing this one!

I actually enjoy writing about Void (and SDRA2) for some reason!

Sorry if Emma is a bit OOC, she didn't last very long...
I think I made Y/N a bit of a Tsundere...
(I hope you don't mind)

Did you notice a 4th wall break?
(It's a reference to the previous oneshot)

I hope you liked it!


Published on May 30, 2019

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