「 ユーエンミー 」

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Requested by YukinoHanaNana017

Danganronpa Re:Birth
(Miwashiba Version)

{ Ayumu Fujimori x Seishi Yodogawa / Zen Katagiri }

{ Inspired by the video above (I replaced Narumi with Kazuomi) }

{ Killing Game AU }
{ Angst with a bit of fluff }

Spoilers to the Miwashiba Version and Voices Version of Re:Birth


Author's Note:
We don't know much about Zen so he might be OOC
Actually....Most of the cast will be a bit OOC

This will be separated into 2 parts

The Title is the Katakana of the phrase "You and Me"


[ Ayumu's POV ]

"Ding! Ding! Ding! You were right! The killer of Koga Mitsunari is....Nico Himuro, the Ultimate Poet!" Monodora exclaimed. "So Koga forced me....Tch! I should've known" Nico muttered "It's alright Nico, it's not your fault–" "I KILLED KOGA!!! HOW IS IT NOT MY FAULT!?!" Nico bursted into tears. All of us stayed silent as we watched her being dragged into execution.

Even after that, we all didn't say a single word until Seishi spoke up "Everyone, I have a confession to make" We all look towards him and...some thing about him was different.

"I need to reintroduce myself. My name is Zen Katagiri, the Ultimate Hitman. I am here to kill one of you...more specifically, you Mr. Fujimori" Seishi–No...Zen stated. "Wh-What!?" I exclaimed "I do deeply apologize, but I must do as I was asked" We were all frozen in shock.

But after a few minutes that seemed like hours, we all left the trial grounds. When I arrived to my room, I immediately locked my door. I already know I'm a target for someone, my closest friend is gonna kill me for some reason....

[ The Next Morning ]

When I had arrived at the dining hall everyone seemed to be avoiding Seishi–Er...Zen. But I just sat at my usual spot beside him. "Hey, I'm really sorry about last night. I trust you but...it's my job" Zen said. I didn't know how to react but I just said "It's okay, I just have really bad luck then"

Zen must be really shocked but...so am I. We both ate in awkward silence "Wanna investigate the next floor as usual?" He asked "Yeah" I replied with a smile.

[ Investigation ]

Turns out there wasn't much on the third floor either...

I roamed around once more and (unexpectedly) found a secret room in one of the lockers.

I'll tell the others later, the mastermind might catch me.

With that thought in my head, I closed the locker and pretended nothing happened.

[ Nighttime ]

I slowly headed to the locker and went into the secret room with a laptop and a few documents in it. I went ahead on took a look on some of the files and documents.

"You shouldn't be here" A mysterious voice said. I jumped and dropped the file that I was holding then—BANG!!!


I                    D          I          E          D


Published on August 2, 2019

𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧/𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 | Hated by Life ItselfWhere stories live. Discover now