「 𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑 」

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Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Moon of Hope and the Sun of Despair

{ Mikado Sannoji × Female! Reader }
{ Mikado and Reader are Dating }
{ Non-Killing Game AU }
{ Fluff }

Spoilers to SDRA2


(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(BF/N) - Best Friend's Name
(U/T) - Ultimate Talent


Author's Note:
They gave me a small challenge by only giving me the scenario so...I hope this turns out well!


Mikado and Y/N are secretly dating because, well...Mikado got into Hope's Peak as the SHSL Wizard. Y/N confessed to him a year ago but they weren't able to hang out that much.

"N/N! Hey! Earth to N/N!!!" BF/N said while waving their hand in front of her. "B-BF/N...Stop" Y/N groaned as she gently pushed their hand away from her face.

"Why so gloomy? Is it because Mikado's not here?" BF/N asked "Yeah...we're never able to hang out that much. Maybe I shouldn't have confessed..." Y/N muttered.

"Hey! Don't say that! You'll see each other soon. Hey, what if you got a letter to Hope's Peak when you get home? Wouldn't that be amazing!" BF/N chuckled. "Yeah, as if THAT would happen..." Y/N rolled her eyes.

Apparently, BF/N was right

"Holy shit, no way..." Y/N muttered as she opened her envelope in her studio apartment.

Dear Y/N L/N,
You have been enrolled into Hope's Peak as the Ultimate U/T. Since this has been delivered late, you'll be joining the 79B class. We have informed your school about this.

Y/N stopped reading the letter and immediately started packing her bags. (As well as throwing away her school books jkjk...or not)

The next day, Y/N marveled in front of the school's building. She felt like it was only a dream. After going to the headmaster's office she went ahead and *tried* to look for her classroom.

Because of how big the school is, she got lost and found a group of 4 people. She tapped on one of their shoulders "Excuse me, do you know where Class 79B is?" She asked.

"Eh? That's our class" said the painter girl. "Are you new here?" The girl with long blonde hair asked "A-Are you Emma Magorobi?" Y/N asked "Well, yes. But please, just call me Emma" She replied.

Y/N felt like she was floating in the air. "Excuse me, but what is your name and talent?" Said a guy that looks like a journalist "M-My name? My name is Y/N L/N, SHSL U/T" Y/N replied.

"Anything else?" He asked "Um...I'm secretly dating someone who studies here?" She replied. "Oi, Nikei! Don't overwhelm her like that. She just got here and is probably nervous" Said the famous Hajime Makunouchi.

"Ah, sorry! My name is Nikei Yomiuri, SHSL Journalist! The painter girl is Iroha Nijiue, SHSL Painter. You already know Emma Magorobi, SHSL Actress and Hajime Makunouchi, SHSL Boxer" Nikei said.

"What are you guys doing out here? Shouldn't you be in class?" Y/N asked "Nah, we're waiting for someone" Hajime replied "Sorry that I'm late!" Y/N heard a familiar voice.

She turned around and saw Mikado Sannoji, Ultimate Wizard "Oh? Y/N? You're here? I thought you had class-" Y/N didn't let him finish. She just wanted to hug her boyfriend.

"Hey, last time Mikado got mad at us for being with our *girlfriends* and yet, he gets to be with his girlfriend?" Nikei whispered "I'll give you 100 yen if Hajime's next" Emma muttered "Deal" Nikei replied.

[ Later ; Nighttime ; Mikado's Dorm Room ]

"Y/N, you miss me THAT much?" Mikado asked "Yes! It was so lonely without you" Y/N replied "You have BF/N, right? Why don't you just hang out with them?" He asked.

"Nah, their annoying" she replied "I guess I could say the same for Void" Mikado added "Void?" Y/N asked. "Void is a small group, me being the leader. Those guys you first met here, they're part of Void" Mikado said.

"Why didn't you let me join!" Y/N huffed "It's because...Nevermind. But do you want to join now?" Mikado asked not noticing Y/N slept on his bed.

Mikado quickly changed his clothes and snuggled beside Y/N. Y/N suddenly hugged him while muttering "I love you..."


Author's Note:
This is the 3rd Void and SDRA2 Oneshot I wrote!

I'm not even mad!

Sorry if it's a bit...rushed
(I hope you don't mind)

I put another 4th wall break lol

I hope you liked it!


Published on June 6, 2019

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