「 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝙼𝚞𝚌𝚑? 」

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Requested by GalaxyProd999

This is a Fanganronpa Oneshot
Super Danganronpa Another 2: The Sun of Hope and the Moon of Despair

{ Jealous! Nikei Yomiuri x Ultimate Sniper! Female! Reader }
{ Nikei has a crush on (Y/N) }
{ Killing Game AU ; Prologue and Chapter 3 }
{ Fluff }

Slight Spoilers SDRA2
CG from Chapter 1 used


(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color


Author's Note:
Random fact: The title is what I say to my friends when they are jealous

I hope you enjoy!


[ Uehara Bell Tower ]

"Hey! You there! Your interview starts now!" A boy who had a brown trench coat said pointing to the (H/C) Girl. "Huh? Me?" She pointed to herself.

"Yes, you! You're a freshman of Hope's Peak, right? Then please tell me your name and talent!" He exclaimed. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N), Ultimate Sniper" (Y/N) replied. "A sniper!? Interesting...I better write it down ASAP!!!" He exclaimed.

"Ahaha...you don't have to do that. I'm just fine with simple introductions" (Y/N) said "Speaking of introductions, I forgot to introduce myself. Whenever there's a scoop, my pen is not too far behind! Ultimate Journalist, Nikei Yomiuri at your service!" Nikei exclaimed.

"Ah! You're THE Nikei Yomiuri!? I've been reading a lot of your articles recently!" (Y/N) said as her (E/C) eyes sparkled "Really? I better add to my notes that you're a fan of me" Nikei muttered while blushing a bit.

A girl with silver hair and a boy with orange hair then enter the bell tower "Sorry Nikei, I need to go introduce myself to the others" (Y/N) bowed as she headed to the direction of the two.

Nikei just stood there, still blushing but Mikado passed a note to him catching his attention "Love at first sight, huh?" from what Nikei could tell from the note, Mikado was teasing him as he crumpled the paper in his fists.

[ Chapter 1 ; Day Time ; Monocruise Diner ]

Everyone started complaining about eating the bentos for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and since this was the fourth day everyone started getting sick of it until...

"When such desires are spotted, like a hero I make my appearance!!" A voice exclaims.

"Hello! Delivery from Mikado's Restaurant has arrived! Who ordered breakfast?" Mikado said as he held a bunch of plated food

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"Hello! Delivery from Mikado's Restaurant has arrived! Who ordered breakfast?" Mikado said as he held a bunch of plated food. "Uwaaah?! Mikado?!" Yuki exclaimed "Oh! It's food! Food!" Yuri exclaimed. "You! You bastard! What are you doing?!" Shinji yelled "Finally! Something else to eat other than bentos!!!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

As the others were questioning Mikado, Kanade, Yuri and (Y/N) immediately ate the food without a second thought. "You're the mastermind! Why are you doing something like this for us?!" Yuki asked "Y-Yeah! There's no way I'm eating this!" Yoruko added.

They turned to see the three stuffing food in their mouths "Oh COME ON!!!" Yoruko exclaimed. "Did I not tell you? Bonds are an important part of our relationships. Plus, I'm doing this mostly for (Y/N)" Mikado added.

Everyone froze and even some of their jaws dropped. Mikado gave a peck on (Y/N)'s cheek and immediately left the room calmly. (Y/N)'s face turned immediately turned red out of embarrassment. Heck, she even dropped some of her food.

For Nikei, he thought (Y/N) was blushing. After he ate, he left the room in pure anger.

[ Void Meeting ]

"Why did you do that Mikado!?!" Nikei yelled "What I did during breakfast? Oh there's more coming your way 'til she's mine" Mikado said as he left the room. Nikei turned red out of anger and huffed out of the room since the meeting was over.

After that incident Mikado started making more "moves" on (Y/N).

[ Chapter 3 ; Daytime ; Free Time ]

Just as (Y/N) was about to leave the room to meet up with Setsuka in District C, pool area. There was a note slipped from underneath her door.

"Meet me in the Monorails at sunset"

Whoever sent that message was unknown. No name was written regardless she went to the Monorails at the time set. Once she arrived, someone was already there waiting for her. Facing away from her was Nikei Yomiuri.

"N-Nikei...you invited me here?" (Y/N) asked, he nodded. "I have a confession to make...I really, really, REALLY love you!" He bowed. (Y/N) stayed silent before responding "I love you too!"

Mikado and Setsuka were watching the whole thing (in separate areas) proud of their fellow classmates.


Author's Note:
After a bunch of procrastination I finally got this published! It is past my bedtime so the ending was a but rushed...

I hope you like it!


Published on July 3, 2019

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