Chapter 3: Forgive Me

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Ashley's POV

I hum to myself as I stir the pasta noodles in the pot of boiling water so that they don't stick.

I just got back from hanging out with Sam and I honestly don't know how to feel. After telling her everything that happened with Taylor and basically crying into a pile of ice cream, we talked for a really long time.

She was a little concerned about the whole me saying her name thing but I assured her it was just a mistake.

I think I was so wrapped up in everything going on with her that I just blurted her name out by mistake.

"Trust me, I know we had a thing in the past, but I can't see us doing that now." I said as I took a bite of my ice cream.

She chuckles playing with hers. "Yeah same. I love you ash but I don't think I could mess around with you like that."I agreed and the rest of the night we just talked about random things.

She said that I need to atleast check in with Taylor to see if she's ready to talk but I don't know what I would say.

Sorry I said my best friends name while we had sex?

God no.

That would make things worse.

I finish up the food and sigh as I reach up to grab only one plate. Even though I'm still a little upset about how she acted, I do miss her dearly.

I was so happy with how things were that now that she doesn't come around, I feel this emptiness inside. I miss being in her arms and hearing her tell silly jokes and at me.

When she would smile at me, it was like I was the most perfect thing on the planet. It always made me feel warm, and cared for.

I lean against the counter and start to eat my food when there's a knock at the door. "That's odd." I wasn't expecting anyone and if it was Sam, she would've just walked in with her key.

I look through the peep hole and all I see are roses, lots of them.

I tilt my head before opening the door to see a huge bouquet of roses in Front of Taylor's face. "Hi um... are you busy? I don't mean to bother you I just...thought I'd come check on you and I saw these on my way over and thought "hey maybe she'd like these!" So I umm.."

As she babbles on, I can't help but smile as I lean against the door frame. "You just happened to see these? On the way here?"

She nods the flowers instead of her head and I can't help but laugh.

She peeks from behind the flowers and gives a nervous chuckle. "Not real believable huh?"

I shake my head taking the flowers from her. "Not really considering these look like they cost a lot of money and the only flower shop near here doesn't sell anything like this."

She nervously scratches the back of her neck as I inhale the scent of the roses. There has to be atleast 4 dozen here. "So umm...I know it's been awhile since we've seen each other but I wanted to give you some space. I'm really sorry for the way that I treated you. I was upset and I started drinking and I just took my anger out on you when I should've just talked to you about it and I could've atleast apologized sooner and-"

I cut her off by reaching up and placing a longing kiss on her lips.

God I missed her. I don't care if she would've showed up empty handed, I just need to see her.

Her eyes widen in shock as I put the flowers down and wrap my arms around her neck. "Baby it's okay. You had every right to be upset with me about that. It was really fucked up and I know that if I was in your shoes I would feel the same way. I don't know why I said her name, I guess because of everything going on right before I came over I just...I don't know. It really messed me up because I know I hurt you but I didn't know how to fix it."

She wraps her arms around my waist and lifts my chin so I'm looking into her eyes. "D-do you want her?" She asks, sadness laced in her voice.

My eyes get big and I gently grab her face with my hands. "Oh no baby god no. She's like a sister to me. We even had a talk about it today. Yes we have a past but that's all it is. There is nothing going on between us I swear. You are who I want, who I need. I've been miserable without you..."

She tears up a little before smiling and picking me up so that my legs wrap around her waist and Carries me inside.

She sits on the couch and holds me close so I'm straddling her lap. "I care about you ash. I really really do. I could see myself spending the rest of my life with you. I forgive you for what happened. That was a very stressful day for you and you were tired and accidents happened. Can you forgive me for my outburst?"

I nod tearing up a little myself. "Yes baby I forgive you. Now,Will you please kiss me?"She smiles at me and nods before connecting her soft lips with my own.

God how I've missed this.

I've missed her.

The way she feels and smells and tastes is so comforting.

I melt into her as I feel her hands caress my body. She gently kisses along my neck and I can't help the moan that escapes my lips.

She smirks and smacks my ass, pulling me from her trance. "God have I missed you. I've also missed your cooking. You know I haven't had a good meal in like a week?"

I burst into laughter as I ease off of her lap and lead her to the kitchen. "Well you're in luck, I just happened to make pasta tonight and there's extra."

She does a little cheer as I make her a plate and as she eats, I grab my flowers and search for a vase to put them in. "Jeez babe, why'd you get so many?" I laugh, separating them into multiple vases since they all won't fit in one.

She blushes and scratches her head again. "Well when I ordered them I thought I hit 2 dozen but I guess I hit 4." I giggle shaking my head and that's when we started acting like ourselves again.

We got caught up on what we've been doing lately and when she finished eating she even did the dishes for me. I don't know what made her come over so suddenly tonight, but I'm glad she did.

Now that everything has been cleared up, I feel like things will finally start to go our way and we can see where this relationship thing will lead us.

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