Chapter 17: I love you

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Ashley's POV

I just put the kids to bed and decided to relax on the couch.

I grab a book and pour myself a nice glass of wine as I listen to the rain tap against the window.

It's almost midnight and Sam has been gone all night. Im glad she's actually getting out of the house and she's been going back to work, but some nights she just stays out and drinks herself sick.

Since that night, she's been trying to do better.

She actually interacts with the kids and she has even sat with me to watch a few movies on the couch. It's nice being with her from time to time but I can tell that the pain is still very much there.

I don't even say anything when she comes in at 1 am smelling like she rolled in a keg. I just help her to her bed and kiss the top of her head as she sleeps away the pain.

I check my watch as it nears 2 am and begin to worry.

She's normally not out this late and i haven't heard from her much either. I'm about to call when there is a knock at the door.

I open it and sigh as I see two of her friends carrying her on their shoulders. "Sorry love, she got a bit carried away tonight." One of them says, his accent coming out a bit.

"Yeah, she got in a bit of a scuff but we made sure she got back alright." The other one says as i help them get her inside on the couch.

She laughs as we set her down and I cross my arms. "Oh I would've been fine! You two are being dramatic."

They roll their eyes. "You could hardly walk mate! Besides, we had to get you out of there before the cops came!"

I raise an eyebrow at her. "The cops?"

She looks up innocently at the ceiling and I sigh. "Thank you guys for getting her back. I'll take care of her."

They nod and leave as I grab the first aid kit. "Honestly ash, I'm fine. That other guy though? Phew! I messed him up."

I shake my head as I clean the cut on her forehead. "Mhm well you don't look all too good yourself. What happened sam? You don't usually pick fights with people."

She shrugs and winces as I apply the alcohol to her wound. "I was just trying to defend you."

I tilt my head confused. "Me?"

She nods. "Remember that guy that was bothering you when we first met?"

I nod.

"Well he was there tonight talking all this shit about how you were coming on to him and that he got you fired and all of this bullshit. I tried to ignore him but god his whiney little ass wouldn't shut up."

I giggle as i lift her chin and examine her face to make sure she doesn't have any other cuts. She has a little bit of bruising but I think she's going to be fine.

"Then he started calling you a whore. He said that you slept with almost every guy in the bar and I wasn't going to just sit there and let him bad mouth you all night so You know what I said?"

I smile gently playing with one of her dreads. "What did you say?"

I gasp a little as she pulls me closer by my waist so I sit in her lap. "I said that he needs to watch his fucking mouth."

I blush a little and hand her an ice pack for her cheek. "Oh really?"

She nods and places the ice pack on her cheek, wincing a little at the coldness. "He tried to get big with me so I whipped his ass. He got a couple of good hits in but I made sure he knew not to put your name in his mouth again."

I can't help but laugh and she smiles at me.

A real smile.

It's been so long since I've seen it and I feel the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

God she's so perfect...

I clear my throat and smile as I watch her eyes begin to droop. "You look tired."

She nods and lays down on the couch dragging me with her. "Oh! Careful silly. You're going to make me fall."

She shakes her head and holds me close. "Nah, I've got you."

I roll my eyes and cuddle up to her chest as I feel her breathing begin to slow.

The rise and fall of her chest beginning to lull me to sleep as the rain continues to fall outside.

This is so peaceful.

The rain, the warmth of her body, the slight buzz from the wine.

If I could just stay in this moment forever, I feel as if I would be in pure bliss.

I look up at her and she is knocked out. I softly kiss her cheek and start to get up when I feel her arms tighten a little. " baby..don't go."

I blush and ease myself up on my arms. "Shh..get some sleep."

I kiss her nose and cuddle up to her neck as she pulls me closer. "Mm..I love you..."

My eyes widen. This isn't anything new. We tell each other we love each other all of the time, but this is different.

This is more...real.

No, she's just drunk.

I can't think about it too much or I'll just get hurt again.

I softly kiss her neck before I feel myself drifting off to sleep. Maybe I'll just stay here a little longer.

Just to make sure she sleeps okay.

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