Chapter 19: Ashley

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Sam's POV

Tonight is the night of Ashley's big party she's been planning and she asked me to accompany her.

I've been to a few of her events but I know that this one means a lot to her so I want to put in a little extra effort.

I went out and got a light pink suit with a white vest and asked my aunt to watch the kids for the night.
She was happy to help and said that we had to come by and have dinner when we picked them up.

She's grown very fond of Ashley and always asks me where she is when I go over there alone.

It almost like she has a crush on her or something.

I'm trying to tie my tie but even after all this time, I still can't seem to get it right. "Is it under over or over under?"

I groan trying again and I hear her giggle as she comes out of the bathroom. "Come here, let me see."

I sigh as she walks over to me and when I look up My breath catches.

She looks stunning.

Her hair is pulled up so that the it's smooth until it gets to the ponytail where her curls are defined. She has on light make up and a few accessories but that dress.

She's wearing that red dress that She bought when we went shopping a few years back and it's hugging her body in all of the right places.

She looks like a goddess.

She grabs the ends of my tie and starts tying it for me. "Honestly, you'd think that since you wear one everyday, you'd atleast learn how to tie them by now Hm?"

I nod my head, not confident in my words at the moment.

She finishes up and pats me on the chest. "All done! You look really good by the way. I like the color."

She goes to turn away but I don't let her.

I grab her waist and pull her back to me earning a slight blush from her.

"Oh! Yes?" She looks up at me and I feel the sudden urge to kiss her soft sweet lips.

They're right there, inches away from me, but I have to resist. "You look beautiful tonight. I just had to tell you."

Her blush deepens and she clears her throat. "Thank you sweetie but we really need to go. Can't be late for my own event can I?"

She takes my hand in hers and pulls me towards the door. I can't help the smile that plasters itself on my face because at this point, I'd let her drag me anywhere.

As the night went on, it was like I was in a trance.

I'm leaning against the bar right now just watching as she moves through the crowd. 

She's so confident, So meticulous in everything she does.

She's been through so much these past few years and to see the pure growth within her brings me so much happiness.

My heart begins to pound as I see her walking over to me. The sway of her hips hypnotizing. My eyes trail up her body and when our eyes meet she has a sly smirk on her face. "Enjoying yourself?"

I blush and take a sip of my drink as she laughs at me. "You did a really great job ash. The place looks great!"

She smiles and gets all excited, bouncing around like a teenager. "I know I know! The client loves it and I've already gotten a ton of reviews from people here."

I smile as she talks. I'm so glad that she's finally doing something she loves.

As I listen, Someone taps her on the shoulder to grab her attention and I feel a little jealous.

She kisses my cheek and let's me know that's he has to take care of some things before running off. I sigh as I swirl my drink around in my cup. "Boy oh boy. This is getting tough."

When we get back home she is over the moon. Everything went perfectly and she's been talking my head off the whole drive here.

It's adorable honestly.

"I mean I knew that it would turn out good but that was amazing! The lights, the dancers, gosh everything just clicked!" I nod smiling at her as I sit on the edge of my bed, loosening my tie.

She lays her hand on my shoulder to use me as a balance so that she can take off her heels and I swear I can feel her fingers burning though my shirt. "I even got a few autographs while I was there! I mean I wasn't fan girling or anything but when Rihanna wants you to do her next event I mean, how can you not ask for it??"

I laugh a little and wrap my arm around her waist as she sits on my lap. It reminds me of how we used to be.

How she used to sit in my lap and tell me about her day or how she would sit in my lap on her phone while I played the game.

I don't know why she did it, but it always made me feel so close to her.

She proceeds to remove her earrings and talk about the next thing she has lined up and I can't help but stare at her.

It's finally back.

That spark and that glow that she used to have in her is finally back.

I feel it...

I feel the love overflowing from me and I can't stop it. I softly caress her face and turn her to me. She stops talking and  for a moment we just stare at each other.

I look down at her lips and just let go.

I lean forward and kiss those gorgeous lips that have been tormenting my dreams.

I feel her intake air as I pull her closer and once we break, she places a hand on her lips.

She gives me a confused look but all I want is to feel that pure bliss again.

I kiss her cheek and lean in for another kiss when she suddenly places a hand on my chest, keeping me back. "Sam...we shouldn't...I mean...I can't..."

I kiss her cheek and softly brush a tear from her eyes.

Does she not feel the same?...

"'s okay. It's okay. Im sorry I...I shouldn't have..."

"No! I wanted to I...I just..." Her face turns bright red and I can't help but smile.

She's so cute, I can't stand it. "How about, we just get some sleep Hm?"

She nods and after changing, we crawl into bed together. I wrap an arm around her from behind and smile when I feel her sigh against me.

I nuzzle her neck and try my best not to get overwhelmed by how full my heart feels in this moment.

I just kissed Ash.

Not in a playful way or anything. An actual kiss.

I wonder if she'll let me do it again?

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