Chapter 25: What A Night

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Sam's POV

As we finally drive home, i smile when I feel her rest her head on my shoulder. "What a night."

I nod in agreement as she trails her finger along my thigh.

I sigh,"I'm sorry it ended up kind of crazy. It was supposed to be a nice relaxing night."

She smiles and kisses my cheek causing me to blush. "It's not your fault love. I still had a great time."

She kisses my cheek again before gently tilting my head a little and placing a kiss on my neck. She lingers there for a moment before easing her body closer so that she can kiss and suck along my neck.

I bite my lip as I try to keep my focus on the road. "Hey hey now. You're making this whole driving thing a little difficult."

She laughs a little in my ear and I swear it had to be the sexiest thing I've ever heard. "Eyes on the road."

I gulp a little as I feel myself becoming aroused.

Everything she does turns me on at this point and it's maddening.

She continues to kiss and suck on my neck through the duration of the drive and even places a hand on my thigh at one point.

I don't know how I made it back to the house but by the time I parked I was drenched. I turn to face her but she simply kisses my cheek and exits the car, leaving me in my seat.

I watch as she saunters up to the door and looks back at me over her shoulder. "Ya comin? Or am I just going to have to take care of myself?"

My jaw drops a little but I quickly recover and hustle up to the door, holding it open for her.

She walks inside and as soon as she crosses the threshold, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses my lips with a hunger that I've never felt from her before.

I kick the door shut and lift her up by her ass so that her legs wrap around my waist.

I need her and I can feel her need for me growing so I need to get us somewhere quickly.

As we kiss, I carry her into the kitchen and set her on the counter. She frantically reaches for my shirt, trying with shaky, eager hands to undo the buttons while I reach behind her so that I can unzip her dress.

As I slowly drag the zipper down I can feel her whole body shaking and I grow concerned. "Hey hey what's wrong?"

I gently cup her face and she looks away a little. I tilt my head and try to look her in the eyes. "Talk to me ash."

She sniffs a little and looks at me with red eyes. "I just...I'm scared. I don't want to get hurt again."

I bite my lip a little and softly kiss her forehead. "I am yours love. I swear I will never hurt you again."

I give her a small peck.

She smiles a little and returns the kiss. "Alright. I trust you."

I feel her tongue graze against my lip and I allow her entrance, deepening the kiss.

Her hand rakes through my hair as I pull her closer to me, loving the feeling of her body pressed against mine. I lift her up off of the counter and carry her to the bedroom as she kisses and sucks along my neck. I lay her down on the bed and ease her dress off completely.

My mouth goes dry at the sight of her.

Her body is so beautiful, so perfect.

The black lace contrast perfectly with her light brown skin and I feel as if I have to taste her.

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