Chapter 11: She Needs Me

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Sam's pov

I walk in the house and the kids come up to me all excited. I love walking in the door and seeing their smiling faces.

I pick them up and give them both a kiss as the babble on about who knows what. Geez when they learn how to talk they're going to be some chatter boxes, I just know it.

After I set them down so they can go play, I instantly start to stress. I loosen my tie and go into the kitchen to find Paige paving back and forth. "What's going on babe? Where is she?"

I see tears in her eyes as she rushes over to hug me. "Oh god baby you were right! Something terrible is going on over there!"

I wrap my arms around her and rub her back as she cries on my shoulder. "Shh calm down baby. You gotta tell me what happened."

She wipes her eyes and tries to catch her breath. "We-we we're just talking and she seemed fine. She was playing with the kids and she was telling me about how work was going when everything just shifted. Taylor walked up and I saw it. I saw her soul just go cold at her touch and Taylor...she looked different. I felt so uncomfortable under her gaze and the way she was holding Ashley? God she even tried to play with the kids but-"

"the kids?!"I quickly turn my attention to them but She grabs my face to turn me back.

"No no baby they're fine. I didn't let her. Listen to me, you have to go over there. I don't know what's going on but I have this feeling. She needs your help." I almost black out.

I trusted her to protect her. To watch over her when I'm not there.

I told her when we were up on that mountain that if she laid a finger on her, I would kill her.

I was dead serious.

My whole body tenses up as I grab my keys and head for the door.

Paige doesn't even try to stop me.

I hop onto my motorcycle and speed over to Ashley's.

I weave in between other cars and zoom down the freeway not even caring about getting pulled over. There's no way they would catch me.

Tears fly off of my face as the pain and anger seeps through me.

I left her.

I left her alone and my biggest fear has come true.

I knew I should have stayed by her side but I felt as if I was only hurting her more. I knew about her feelings for me so I hoped that loosening my hold on her would be what's best.

Allowing her to grow on her own without me hovering nearby was supposed to be a good thing.

Now I see that I was so blinded by my love for Paige and everything else going on that I didn't even realize I let go.

I stopped holding onto her.

I slam on my brakes lifting the tail of my bike up a little and run up to her door.

I frantically bang on the door feeling my emotions run rampant inside of me.

She's so close.

Everytime I get near her I feel that pull grow stronger and stronger. It's almost as if I need her to function. "Ash? Ash it's me, open up!"

She opens the door and rubs her eyes before giving me a tired expression. "Sam what are you doing over here? It's getting late?"

My eyes tear up and I instantly wrap my arms around her. "Thank god you're okay!"

Her eyes raise a little as I take her by surprise. "Oh! Yes I'm fine honey. What's this about?"

I pick her up and carry her over my shoulder inside, kicking the door closed. "We need to talk and you're not going to give me any of your bullshit answers." She kicks her legs a little before I set her on the ground. She gives me a confused look. "What's gotten into you?"

I start to lecture her when I see the red mark on her neck. I can see where a hand was tightly wrapped around her neck and tears pour from eyes. "No no no no god no."

I gently lift her chin and examine her but she quickly pulls away. "Ash...please. You have to talk to me... why didn't you tell me, I could've helped you."

She scoff and a dark chuckle escapes her lips. "And done what huh? Lectured me? Told me that I needed to leave just so that I could be alone again?"

She leans back against a wall and tries to cover herself but I don't allow it. I gently grab her hand and move them down to her side. " I would have done anything to help you. She hurting you, I know it, but I can't do that if you don't tell me what's going on."

A tear escapes her eyes as she drops her head. "You're happy. Finally so happy. I didn't want to ruin that with my little problems."

I gently grab her face and make her look at me. "Don't you ever think that. You are so important to me ash. No amount of happiness is enough for me to just let you suffer in silence like this."

I gently caress her cheek as the tears flow down her face. "I just...don't want to be alone..." I feel my heart shatter and I pull her into me.

She sobs against my chest as I gently caress her back, letting my own tears fall on top of her head.

She is so broken. I know this is all my doing.

I shouldn't have left her.

I shouldn't have let my new life get in the way of what we have.

No matter what, from now on, I won't leave her side. I will put my life on the line to make sure that she is safe, even if it means leaving my family.

She is my soulmate.

Ever since we started drifting apart I have felt this aching feeling , as if something is missing. Every time I am in the same vicinity as her, the aching stops.

She is my other half, my person.

I'll never let anyone hurt her again. Not as long as I'm still breathing.

She pulls away from me a little to wipe her eyes and I kiss the top of her head. "Cmon, let's pack you up some things. You're coming to my house."

She tilts her head and wipes a stray tear from my cheek. The contact makes me melt a little. "Don't you need to ask Paige? I can't just leave sam.."

I shake my head and kiss her forehead. "Don't worry about that. I'm not letting you stay here with her any longer. I thought she would be here so I called the cops already. They should be pulling up any minute so if she shows up when we try to leave, it'll be safe."

I softly move a strand of hair from her face and she starts to protest when we hear the front door open.

"What the Fuck is going on in here?!"


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