Chapter 24: Old Wounds

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Sam's POV

When we arrive at the restaurant, I can feel the eyes on us. Every time she enters a room, everyone goes silent for a moment just to admire her beauty.

Or at least that's how I imagine it.

I hand the doorman my coat and we are promptly led to our table.

I booked the best seat in the house, right out on the terrace with a spectacular view of the fountains in the park across the way.

Her eyes shine with excitement as she looks around at everything. "You pulled out all the stops on this one huh?"

I nod taking her hand in mine. "I wanted tonight to be special for you. You've been working so hard lately and I thought it would be nice to get out and relax, just the two of us."

She smiles at me and nods.

The whole night, we could barely keep our hands to ourselves.

It's like we were playing an unspoken game to see who could tease who the most.

While I was ordering from the waiter,I could feel her foot sliding up and down my leg and I had a very hard time keeping a straight face.

"And how would you like your steak ma'am?" He asked as her foot slid further up my leg.

"I'll take it med-medium." The words barely make it out as her foot firmly pressed on the core between my legs.

When the waiter leaves, she removes her foot and has this sly smirk in her face that I just want to fuck right off. "You're being very bold tonight love."

She laughs a little and leans forwards as I rest my chin in my hands. "I'm just having a little fun."

She kisses my lips and the rest of the night we just talked. It was nice to just unwind and chat about whatever was on our mind.

After dinner,we decide to take a walk in the park across the street.

It was a nice night out and after the meal we just had, a little cardio wouldn't hurt.

As we walk, I feel her shiver and cuddle up to me a little more so I take off my coat and wrap it around her. "Here you go. Don't need you catching a cold."

She rolls her eyes and wraps it around her a little more. "Well aren't you sweet."

She pinches my cheek and we laugh a little when a guy scoffs behind us.

"Fucking lesbians."

I glance back and see him leaning up against a light post smoking a cigarette.

I shrug and ignore him because even though times have changed, some people still don't like that the LGBT community is starting to grow. "Cmon babe, don't pay him any mind."

She nods and we continue to walk but he starts to follow us  making more and more comments. "Don't you have any self respect? I bet you've got a man waiting on you at home but you're out here whoring around with a dyke!"

We get to the car and I think that he's finally gone when I hear him approaching. "Hey, if you ever want a REAL man honey, come over and I'll show you what you're missing out on."

I feel my insides begin to boil and I can't take it anymore. "Say one more thing and I'm calling the fucking cops."

I turn around to face him and my veins run cold when I realize that I'm staring into the barrel of a gun. "Yeah, not so tough now are you bitch?"

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