Chapter 6: Tension

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Ashley's POV

it's been about a week now and Taylor is still trying to make up for that little fight we had.

She's been showering me with gifts and giving me a ton of affection which is nice, but It's almost smothering. I understand that she wants make things up to me but i forgave her a long time ago.

Im the one who should really be trying to earn her forgiveness but she continues to buy me gifts and take me on dates, treating me as if I deserve the world.

I haven't been able to talk to Sam much because of work and all of the time me and taylor have been spending together but she seems okay whenever I check in. Her and happy have been getting along great and It makes me feel so much better.

She needed something to distract her from everything going on and since I've been so busy lately, it puts me at ease to know that she's not at home sulking the whole time.

It's getting late and I'm working on some paperwork on the couch when Taylor comes in. "What ya workin on?" She asks as she sits next to me.

I smile when I feel her kiss my cheek and sigh as I flip through my papers. "I'm trying to get the scheduling right for all of these gigs but they're starting to run a little close. I could work a couple extra days to get things done but I don't know if I'll get all of the supplies I'm in time."

I rub my temples trying to think when she suddenly shifts. She eases herself behind me and starts gently massaging my shoulders making me moan.

I lean back and relax into her touch as she softly kisses along my neck. "You're so tense baby. Let me help you release some stress."

She slides her hands down between my legs and I sigh. "I wish I could baby but I really need to get this done tonight."

She pouts and nibbles on my neck. "Aww Cmon babe. It won't take long I promise."

She reaches again but I gently move her hand away. "Not tonight baby, I'm busy." She tries one more time and I feel her grip slightly tighten around me before I push off of her. "I said no."

I get up from the couch to go sit at the table when I feel her grab my arm and pull me to her chest. "You're really going to tell me no? After all that I've been doing for you lately?"

I look up and see that her eyes are as dark as they were that night she kicked me out. She backs me up against a wall pretty hard and I whine in fear.

I can't move. Why is she being like this?

I know we've been messing around a lot but this is the only time I've said no, and with good reason.

I turn my head afraid to look at her as a tear rolls down my cheek. I feel her grip lessen and her fingers gently lifting my chin. "Hey hey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just a little on edge is all."

She gently caresses my cheek and kisses the top of my head. "I'm going to give you some space so you can do your work. I'll even run you a bath when you're ready to help you relax." I slowly nod my head and she smiles at me.

It doesn't make me smile or feel warm or anything.

It's cold.

Gosh I thought I knew her,but I was wrong. This is not the same woman from the bar. She kisses my cheek and as she leaves I release a shaky breath and fall to the floor.

What have I gotten myself into?

I need sam. I need to call her.

I grab my phone off the coffee table and go to call her when I realize she texted me. My heart drops as I read the message.

Sammy: Hey Ash! Me and Paige finally talked things over and we're fine now. It's a long story but I finally got my girl back. How are things with you and Taylor?

Tears roll down my face as I read it Over and over again.

How could she just take her back after she broke her heart like that? Does she truly love her that much?

I text her back a quick congrats and she responds back almost immediately. She wants to come over tomorrow to tell me everything but I don't text back. I sit on the couch and let the tears fall.

Not only because I don't know what I'm going to do about Taylor, but also the fact that my best friend is putting herself in harms way once again, only I'm the one getting hurt.


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