Extra Chapter: Whole

176 7 26


Ashley's POV

The whole trip all I could think about was Sam and the kids.

Everyday she would send me a picture or video of something the kids did and it always made my day better.

At the meeting, Everything goes great and I get it set up to where I don't necessarily have to come back. I can just send one of my teams out to finalize everything but if they need me back I can come.

When my Uber pulls up in front of the house, I can't wait to get inside.

Sam insisted on picking me up but my client had already booked an Uber for me so I didn't want to be rude.

I walk inside and the smell of chicken pot pie hitting my nose instantly makes my stomach growl.

The food at the resort was good, but a home cooked meal just tastes so much better. "Mama! Mama!"

I smile as the kids run up to hug me and I scoop them up on my arms causing them to squeal. "Aww I missed you guys! Did you miss me?"

They nod hugging my neck and I kiss them both on the head.

I set them down after a minute and walk towards the Kitchen as they tell me all about what's been going on since I left.

I'm listening to them, but right now, I need to feel my lovers touch.

When I enter the kitchen, she turns around, giving me that gorgeous smile as she clean her hands on a towel.

She grabs my waist and pulls me in with one arm causing me to blush. "Well hello. I missed you baby."

She kisses me softly and I can't help the smile that forms on my lips.

"I missed you too." I return the kiss and it slowly begins to deepen as she pulls me closer.

I softly moan into the kiss as I wrap my arms around her neck but we both laugh as the kids whine for attention. "Alright alright, we'll play with you in a minute. Go get a game set up."

They bounce up and down excitedly before running off to find something.

She shakes her head at them and turns away from
me for a moment to continue cooking.

I can't help but pout at the loss of attention so I reach around to the front of her shirt and pull her back to me earning a surprised look followed by a slight smirk. "Hm?"

I give her a look and pull her down so I can whisper in her ear. "I've got something better for you to eat."

Her cheeks heat up and she quickly turns off the stove and moves the food before turning on coco melon in the living room. "Kids, stay here. We'll be right back!"

She grabs my hand and I can't contain my laughter as she eagerly rushes me up to our bed.

I sit on the edge of the bed as she closes the door and watch as she lifts her shirt above her head.

I bite my lip in anticipation when an idea pops into my head. She quickly puts on her strap on and pulls her shorts back up before easing on top of me.

She goes to kiss my lips when i stop her by placing a hand on her chest. "Hold on, I want to try something."

She tilts her head and moves a little so that I can grab something out of my night stand.

I've been wanting to try this with her for so long but I don't know how she will take it.

I reach into the box and pull out a black leather collar with a matching leash and her eyes get huge. "Umm...what's that for?"

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