Chapter 13: Dont go..

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Sam's POV

"You look worse than me!" I laugh a little as she buries her face into my neck.

God am I in pain.

She got some good hits in, I'll give her that.

Once we get to the bathroom, I set her on the sink and grab the first aid kit out of the cabinet before grabbing a wash cloth to clean her face.

I run some warm water over it and gently wipe the blood from her lips. "I'm so sorry ash. I kind of lost it out there."

She rolls her eyes and takes the rag from me. "Geez Sam it's just a busted lip. I'm a big girl, I can handle it. You on the other hand probably should have gotten the medic to look at you. Is your head okay?" I smile as she examines my face and gently wipes the blood off.

It reminds me of the time she punched me in the nose and had to doctor me up. As she's putting ointment on the cut above my eye, I gaze down and see the red marks on her neck again.

I gently graze my finger across it and she freezes. I look over at her and see that she's trying her best to tend to my face but I know that she is hiding something from me. "Can I take off your shirt?"

She quickly backs up against the mirror and shakes her head. "No! can't see."

I give her a look and she continues to shake her head before looking away from me.

I gently turn her back and ease myself closer so that I have to stand between her legs. " matter what you're always going to be beautiful to me. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

Her eyes tear up before she slowly nods. She leans forward as I help ease off her shirt and I gasp.

Her body is riddled with black and blue bruises from her stomach to her back. There are also a few cuts along her stomach and the red mark around her throat is on full display.

My hands shake as I look over her body.

I failed.

I didn't protect her at all.

Tears flow from my eyes as I start to mentally beat myself up. I go to look away but she grabs my face and pulls me back. "Don't look away...please."

I take a deep breath and nod before softly wrapping my arms around her waist. I pull her in and hug her.

I hug her until I run out of tears to cry. I hug her until I feel as if she knows that I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for letting this happen to her and I'm sorry for taking so long to realize her pain.

I kiss the top of her head and start to pull away when I feel her grip tighten. "Don't go..."

I kiss her cheek and lift her head so she looks at me. "I'm not going anywhere love. I'm Going to run you a bath to help ease some of the pain and I'm going to get your things together for you. You're coming home with me tonight."

She nods and I ease off of her.

The loss of warmth making the room feel extra chilly.

I run her a bath and add epsom salt and bubbles to make it more relaxing. I then help her down from the sink and finish undressing her before lifting her up and placing her in the tub.

She moans softly as the warm water soothes her sore body and leans back against the back of the claw foot tub.

I kneel behind her and slowly scoop the water up and over her shoulders and neck making sure every part of her gets some care.

I see her physically relax and when I feel like she's going to be okay, I kiss the top of her head and excuse myself. "I'm going to call Paige so she can get things ready."

She nods lazily and when I close the door behind myself I make it all the way to the living room before I start hyperventilating.

I can't take it.

I sit on the ground by the couch and call Paige, trying to catch my breath but it's not working. "


At the sound of her voice, it's like a dam broke. I cried and cried as she tried her best to soothe me through the phone.

I told her everything from me coming over to the fight to the bruises.

I blamed myself and even though she kept telling me that is wasn't my fault. "I wasn't there...I should have been there but I wasn't there..."

I cover my face with my hands and sigh. "Honey listen to me. I know your hurting right now but I need you to think of your friend. She needs you to be strong right now..."

I nod my head and wipe my eyes before standing up. "I know...I know. She's going to be staying with us for a little while. She can't be alone right now and there's no telling how long taylor will actually be locked up. I don't want her coming back over here when she's by herself."

I walk back towards the bathroom trying to compose myself. "Alright love. I'll get the guest room ready. I love you."

I smile a little. "I love you too. We'll be there soon."

I hang up the phone and knock on the bathroom door. "Come in."

I open the door to find her standing in a pair of sweats and a tank top drying her hair. Her bruises are still visible but she seems more at ease now.

She looks up at me and smiles a shy smile causing my heart to quicken. Even with everything she's been through, she's still as gorgeous as ever.

I must have been staring because  I don't even notice how close she is until she clears her throat. "You okay?"

I blink a few times and scratch the back of my neck blushing. "Yeah umm sorry. You ready to go?"

She nods and throws on a hoodie. I grab her bags and she throws in a couple of essential things she needs before following me out to the car.

The drive is silent but not a bad one.

It's as if we can both finally breath.

I reach over and take hold of her hand causing a smile to appear on her face. I meant what I said before.

I'm never leaving her side again.

No one will ever lay a hand on her as long as I live and I will make sure that she never has to go through anything like this again.

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