Chapter 1: Save Me

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✨Dear Reader,
If you made it this far then congratulations! You're at the good part👀! This part is a lot more graphic and has a lot of things that may Trigger some people like Abuse,gaslighting,S/A, Etc. If something like this is in a chapter, I will try to include a TW. Thank you all so much for all of the support with this series and I hope you all enjoy 💕✨

Sam's POV

"Ash are we done yet? These bags are heavy as fuck!" I groan as I follow behind her into the 5th store in a row.

She claims that I need to get out of the house more since the proposal thing and I understand she's just trying to help, but I'm starting to think this shopping trip is more for her than me. "Oh hush, I just want to go in this last store!"

I roll my eyes and follow her inside as she starts looking at clothes on the rack. "Honestly ash, you have like 10 outfits and 5 pairs of shoes here, what else could you possibly need?"

She gives me a look and pokes my biceps making me lose my grip a little on the bags. "Aww are these muscles fake or something? I thought this would be nothing for you muscle head."

She pokes my nose and goes back to looking at clothes as I sigh.

It's been about a week since she came and saved me from losing myself and I couldn't be more grateful. I honestly didn't think I had anything else to live for when I realized that I had lost Paige.

I gave her my soul and for her to accept Jason over me really broke my heart. I honestly wanted to give up and end my suffering until I saw this angel walk through the door.

I can't believe I didn't even call her. I don't blame her for how she reacted when I yelled at her either. I've never so much as raised my voice at her.

Ash is my person. My twin flame.

Somehow I think the back of my mind, I just knew that she would come and save me.

I snap out of my thoughts when I see her waving her hand in my face. "Earth to Sam? You still in there?"

I shake my head and give her my full attention. "Yes?"

She blushes a little when I gaze at her and clears her throat. "I'm going to go try this on, you can come and sit in the waiting area and take a break if you want."

I nod and follow her to the dressing room. I flop down onto the comfy couch taking a deep breath as my arms can finally relax.

As I wait on her to come out I start to realize that she hasn't really been talking about Taylor lately. She hasn't even told me about how her trip to Hawaii was and I know ash.

She should be talking my head off about it but she hasn't even mentioned it. I'll have to remember to ask her about that later.

After sitting on my phone for awhile I get border and call out to her. "You alive in there?"

I hear her scoff and laugh a little. "Shouldn't you be happy that I'm taking my time? Atleast I'm giving you a break."

I roll my eyes scrolling through my phone again. "I'd be happier if I was at home in my bed."

I hear the door open and the sound of heels hitting the tile floor. "Well that sounds extremely boring and unhealthy. Isn't it more fun hanging out with me." I laugh a little before looking up and dropping my phone onto the floor.

My breath catches in my chest as I look at my best friend.

She is wearing a red off the shoulder dress that as a long slit on the side with a pair of matching heels. Her hair is out of its bun and is in its naturally beautiful curly fashion and she's currently putting on some hoop earrings to complete the outfit.

Our eyes meet in the mirror and when she smiles at me, I feel my cheeks heat up. "You okay over there? You're kind of staring."

I clear my throat and stand beside her as she checks herself out in the mirror. "So what do you think? Is it too much?"

I can't find my words so I just shake my head and smile at her. She tilts her head and looks over at me before poking my cheek. "Did you forget words? I need your honest opinion sam!"

I laugh at her little outburst and gently wrap my arms around her waist from behind. "You look great ash. Taylor is so lucky to have you. I know she's going to love this dress."

Her face heats up at my compliment but then I notice that her smile doesn't quite meet her eyes. "I sure hope so."

I tilt my head at that and I start to question her about it but she clears her throat and gently pushes off of me. "Umm...thanks hon. Im going to go change back."

With that she heads back into the dressing room and I sit back on the couch feeling like something is off.

Once she comes out, she purchases the dress and we finally leave the mall. My arms cry out in pain as I drive us over to an ice cream shop before we head to my place.

As I'm driving, I glance over and notice that she has this far off look in her eyes as she leans on the window.

Concern washes over me and I know I have to ask. "Hey ash, is everything okay with you and Taylor?"

Her eyes get big and she looks away from me nodding. "We're fine."

I frown a little knowing she's keeping something from me. "So you say, but you haven't given me a single detail about your trip to Hawaii. Knowing you, my ear should be falling off from all of the details about how amazing it was yet you haven't said a single word."

She shuffles uncomfortably in her seat and shrugs. "It was fun. You should go someday."

I sigh and pull into the parking lot of the ice cream shop, locking the doors. She looks at me confused and I cross my arms. "No ice cream?"

I roll my eyes and gently take her hands in mine. "Ash, babe, what's going on? Did something happen?" She tries to look away from me but I quickly grab her chin and turn her back.

"Uh uh. What did we say? No more keeping things from each other anymore."

Her eyes tear up and I can feel the pain coming from her. "I messed up Sam..."

I gently kiss her hand and get out of my car, running around to the passenger side and kneeling down next to her. "Hey hey it's alright. What's going on babe?"

I tense up a little when my mind starts to wonder. "Did she hurt you? I swear to god if she put her hands on you."

I stand up getting pissed when she hops out of the car and gently rubs my arms, calming me down. "No no god, she wouldn't do that. She has every right to be upset with me I just...I don't know what to do to fix things."

I gently brush the tears off of her cheeks as she starts explaining what happened. I start to feel guilty as the whole reason for the fight her coming to help me but I'm taken aback at what really set Taylor off. "I...I said your name.."

I tilt my head as she lays her head on my chest. "What do you mean love? Is it illegal to even mention me around her?"

She sniffs and looks up at me with sorrow in her eyes. "Only when I'm having sex with her." My eyes get huge as she buries her face into my chest, sobbing again.

Why would she say my name? I know we used to mess around and she actually developed feeling for me, but to that extent?

My mind is jumbled with questions, but I pushed them all aside when I see how distraught she is. Even though that happened, she still really cares for Taylor.

This little fight really took a toll on her so before we tackle that issue, I need to help my friend right now.

I gently rub her back and lift her chin up so she looks at me.

"Hey, you want some ice cream?" She sniffs and nods before letting me lead her inside so that she can eat her pain away with the biggest bowl of ice cream they have.

Save me Where stories live. Discover now